Over time, this kind of "I'll code around the problem" approach encourages code bloat and lots of incompatible special-purpose APIs, which isn't a good thing. 随着时间的推移,这种“围绕问题进行编码”的方法怂恿了代码的膨胀和许多不兼容的特殊目的API,这并不是好事情。
This results in both code bloat and an overly complex data model for your application. 对于应用程序,这导致代码过度膨胀以及数据模型过度复杂。
Also, FIT supports the inevitable restructuring of code as the system evolves, reducing the difficulty of maintaining, extending or changing code, as well as code bloat and software entropy. 此外,FIT还支持因系统升级而导致的不可避免的代码重组,从而减少维护、扩展或更改代码的难度,并减少代码膨胀和软件熵(softwareentropy)。
Diagnose data modeling problems in the application that contribute to memory bloat. 诊断造成内存膨胀的应用程序中的数据建模问题。
Without scripts to build images, image bloat occurs and that eats up more space and slows the system down. 如果没有构建映像的脚本,就会发生映像膨胀,导致占用的空间增加和系统速度下降。
This leads to bugs, code bloat, and blatant DRY violations. 这导致bug、代码膨胀,并严重违背了DRY原则。
This is important, as provider bloat can lead to system performance degradation in the Wink system. 这一点非常重要,提供者过多会导致Wink系统的系统性能降低。
This can sometimes lead to test case bloat, where you are running and maintaining tests simply because they were easy to create. 因为测试用例易于创建,您能够简单地运行和维护测试,这有时会导致测试用例膨胀。
By modifying ( or transforming) the AST, Lombok keeps your source code trim and free of bloat, unlike plain-text code-generation. 通过修改(或转换)AST,Lombok可对源代码进行修剪,来避免膨胀,这与纯文本代码生成不同。
Ivy centralizes dependent files and reduces the bloat that can occur when development teams copy JAR files from one version-control repository to the next. Ivy集中管理依赖文件,消除了开发团队将JAR文件从一个版本控制存储库复制到另一个存储库中时可能出现的膨胀现象。
Included but not limited to: Bloat, PANO, OCD, Thyroid problems and other immune system and endocrine problems. 包括但并不限于:水肿,PANO(长期扭伤髋关节),强迫症,甲状腺问题,和其他免疫和内分泌问题。
Your best beverage is always going to be water. It flushes out fat and keeps down bloat, and drinking lots of it keeps you from thinking you're hungry when you're actually thirsty. 水是最好的饮料,它能冲走脂肪,消除肿胀,大量喝水还可以让你在口渴时不误以为是饿了。
The other health problem in Borzoi ( and any deep-chested dog) is the occurrence of bloat and torsion. 另一个有关于猎狼(和任何胸深的犬种)的健康问题是胃涨气和胃扭转。
Fresh vegetables should be avoided as these can cause bloat in a chinchilla, which can be fatal. 新鲜蔬菜是高水分含量的,应该避免食用,因为这些可能会造成膨胀的龙猫的肠胃,这可能是致命的。
As a star like our sun is running out of fuel in its core it begins to bloat into a red giant. 当像我们太阳一样的星用完它内核中的燃料的时候它开始膨胀成为一颗红巨星。
But I think it is very important to keep the modularity to avoid the bloat that rails has accumulated. 但是我认为保持模块化是非常重要的,这样可以避免Rails因为累积而导致的臃肿。
I do not think that this is functionality bloat, but I agree with you that it is a functionality avalanche. 我不认为这是功能膨胀,但是我同意它是一个功能雪崩。
If so, you've experienced the feeling of bloat. 如果这样,你曾经经历的感觉膨胀。
While this can cause bloat inside an executable, it is important in anti-reverse engineering. 虽然这可能会导致膨胀内部可执行文件,重要的是在反逆向工程。
Here I will examine what causes this code bloat, and what can be done to fix it. 在这里,我会研究如何导致此代码膨胀,并可以采取什么解决它。
They bloat up and get filled with fluid and mucus cells. 呼吸道膨胀,充满液体与粘液细胞;
It also results in code bloat due to the extra instructions required to save function parameters to the stack. 同时这也导致了代码庞大,因为将函数参数保存在堆栈中需要额外的指令。
Avoid code clutter and class bloat in the release package. 在发行包中避免代码混乱和类膨胀。
If the arguments are large, this can quickly lead to code bloat. 如果参数很大,那么将很快导致代码膨胀。
We excluded features that only add to the bloat. 我们排除了那些只会造成系统臃肿的特性。
So, what are we seeing here, really? Templates do not "cause code bloat" or long compile times. 所以嘛,在这里我们看到了什么?模板并没有导致代码的膨胀或者说更长的编译时间。
The Warp will be the most useful, however "Pucker" and "Bloat" are best for shrinking or expanding the area. 经纱将是最有用的,但“折叠”和“膨胀”是最好的缩小或扩大面积。
As a result, during the boom, British banks were allowed to bloat. 其结果是,英国各家银行得以在繁荣时期不断膨胀。
NET. However, at runtime these large assemblies can easily bloat your program, and also cause versioning issues because they are distributed independently of your application. 然而,在运行时这些大型程序集很容易使你的程序膨胀起来,而且很容易导致版本问题,因为它们是分布式的,不依赖你的应用程序。
In addition to bloat, we also have to consider the change factor. 除了庞大的代码之外,我们还必须考虑变化因素。