They danced a romantic bolero together. 他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。
The lace bolero would make it a very wearable two piece for a ceremony or a blessing. Proactive classroom control begins with setting the tenor in your room in the first few minutes, before behaviors can become problems. 花边开口短上衣夹克使这套两件式套装非常适合典礼或者庆典。「先发制人式」班级管制,开始于前几分钟内说清楚常规,以免发生问题。
I also tried several different yarns, finally decided on this Hempathy, it feels light, great for summer, and I just think it's a perfect color for this bolero! 为了选线也想了蛮久的最后挑了这组,线摸起来很轻很凉爽的感觉,最重要的是这颜色很符合情人果的名字呢!
This bolero's pattern is from a Japanese book, so it's in "charts", and sometimes these Japanese crochet symbols are kind of hard to figure out. 这件情人果还是日文书来的图样,我之前织的都是围巾的图样还好自己研究一下都还可以完成。
He was lame, and was wearing a bolero. 是个瘸子,穿了件西班牙式的短上衣。
This empire line dress and lace bolero jacket left would fit no end of special occasions. 这种帝政线条长裙和花边开口短上衣夹克将会适合无数特定场合。
We gave the V-CAN Ravel's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume control is incredibly sensitive. 我们用拉威尔的充满动态和复杂性的波莱罗舞曲来试音。马上感觉到它的音量钮是过于敏感了。
Draw ads, wood, various types of furniture, metal, glass, fabric, Bolero, plastic screen printing 广告画、木器、各类家具、五金、玻璃、布艺、波丽、塑胶