Fortunately, this is a borrower's market. 所幸的是,现在是借方的市场。
Require the borrower through the lending bank to reduce the size of the mortgage and cancel the insurance. 透过贷款银行要求借款人减少按揭贷款金额,并取消保险。
Book and borrower details are recorded on to 80-column cards and badges respectively. 图书和借书者的细目则分别记录在80列卡片和证件上。
A cash payment made by any party to reduce a borrower's monthly loan payment. 由任何人支付的旨在降低借款人月还贷额的现金付款。
A loan secured by equity value in the borrower's home. 住房抵押后余值贷款由借贷人家庭资产净值做保证的贷款。
Front-end fee: fee levied on borrower when a loan is first made. 先征手续费:在刚提供贷款时向借款人征收的一种费用。
In such predicaments, the government always emerges as the lender, borrower and spender of last resort. 面临这种困境,政府总是以最后贷款人、借款人和支出人的面目出现。
New loan becomes available to a borrower if her previous loan is repaid. 新的贷款可用向借款人,如果她以前的贷款偿还。
Also, a borrower taking out a low-interest rate loan can simply deposit the proceeds to earn a profit. 一个获得了低息贷款的借贷者可以索性将所得款项存入银行赚取利润。
The term actually refers to a financial situation wherein a borrower finds financing to pay off a current loan. 一词,实际上是指一个金融的情况下,借款人认定融资偿还现有贷款。
It is important to remember that for every borrower there has to be a lender. 它是重要的是要记住每一个借款人有一个贷方。
Transactions between an initial borrower and a lender are called primary market transactions. 最初借款人和放款人之间的交易称为初级市场交易。
Likewise, when a debt was defaulted, the borrower would became a slave of the lender. 同样,当债务拖欠,借款人将成为贷款人的奴隶。
In order to obtain loans a borrower must join a group of borrowers. 为了获得贷款的借款人必须参加集团的借款人。
This has left the government as borrower of last resort. 于是政府就成了“最后的借款人”。
The prospective borrower of personal housing loan should be a natural person having a complete civil capacity. 个人购置住房贷款对象应是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人。
An important feature of commercial secured loans is that the borrower needs to put a security against the loan. 商业贷款担保的一个重要特点是,借款人需要把反担保贷款。
Fine, but for the sake of the economy, better a borrower than a lender be. 好吧,但是为了整个经济着想,一个借款人总比一个贷款人要好。
The government then inevitably emerges as borrower and spender of last resort. 政府不可避免的成为最后的借款人和消费者。
Intermediation: Process whereby a financial institution interposes its names and trustworthiness between a lender and a borrower. 中介业务,媒介作用:指一个金融机构使用其名义和信誉介入一个贷款人和一个借款人之间的过程。
The administration of contracts is the borrower's responsibility. 对合同的管理是借款人的责任。
It helps in consolidating a borrower's debt into one affordable loan at better terms. 它有助于巩固借款人的债务变成一个负担得起的贷款,在较好的条件。
Borrower can land Beijing housing accumulation fund the net undertakes inquiring. 借款人可登陆北京市住房公积金网进行查询。
The borrower must pay the lender interest on the loan at a rate determined by competitive market forces. 借方必须依照由市场上的竞争力量来决定的利率,向贷方支付利息。
In entering into a contract for loan of money, the lender may require the borrower to provide assurance. 第一百九十八条订立借款合同,贷款人可以要求借款人提供担保。
Book and borrower numbers are encoded on to bar-coded labels. 图书和借书者的编号编到了条形码标记上。
The borrower defaulted, and the bank instituted a foreclosure suit. 借贷人违约,银行就制定了一个取消赎回权的诉讼。
This column shows the borrower's exposure to changes in international interest rates. 这栏表示借款者受到了国际利率变化的影响。
But the loan officer has difficulties in evaluating the borrower's character. 但信贷员对借款人的品德很难进行评估。