VERB 抵制;拒绝参加 If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it.
The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections. 主要反对党都抵制此次选举。
Boycott is also a noun.
Opposition leaders had called for a boycott of the vote. 反对党领袖已号召人们拒绝投票。
...the lifting of the economic boycott against Israel. 取消对以色列的经济封锁
The main opposition parties are boycotting the elections. 主要反对党都抵制此次选举。
Car buyers in China immediately began boycotting Toyota ( TM) and other Japanese brands, which translated into lower earnings. 中国的汽车消费者当时立即开始抵制丰田汽车(Toyota)和其他日本品牌,最终导致日本企业收入下降。
Could boycotting the 2018 World Cup prove more effective at persuading Russian president Vladimir Putin than an increasingly long list of economic sanctions? 要说服俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin),抵制2018年世界杯足球赛(WorldCup)会不会比越来越长的经济制裁清单更有效?
But with the main opposition parties boycotting the vote there is no genuine competition. 但是由于主要的反对党派抵制投票,因为此次选举没有真正的竞争。
The fraud can be displaced only by shaming people, by boycotting the orthodox financial economics establishment and the institutions that allowed this to happen. 只有通过让人们感到羞耻,以及联合抵制任由危机发生的正统金融经济学机构和制度,才能消除欺诈行为。
This has even spawned an anti-corporate coffee counterculture, with those subscribing to this culture boycotting big business coffee chains. 甚至了反企业垄断的非主流文化和与其相呼应的抵制大型商业咖啡连锁店活动。
Nobody in China is boycotting the movie, except a couple of nutcases. 除了一群神经病,中国没人抵制这部电影。
As a kind of retaliation, the ten top department stores in the city are Boycotting the products of that soap company 作为一种报复行动,市内十大百货公司正联手拒销这家制皂公司的产品
While persevering in patience, we must also never go as far as cutting off or boycotting our children for their mistakes or rebellious behavior. 在坚持忍耐期间,我们决不能因孩子的过失或反抗行为去断绝或联合抵制他们。
Remember the poison Chinese pet foods here? I am boycotting all products from China. 还记得中国有毒宠物食品吗?我抵制任何来自中国的食物。
This is the excuse of a number of UK organisations in culturally boycotting China. 这一点是英国一些机构从文化角度抵制中国文化的一个借口。
Chinese Merchants promise to all the clients that we only offer original factory replacement parts, boycotting and never offering imitations or counterfeit! 对广大客户郑重承诺:只销售原厂、原装货物,坚决抵制仿制品和假冒伪劣产品!
Among the most articulate critics of the tests are the boycotting students, who complain about narrowing opportunities and shrinking curricula. 在考试的批评者中,态度最明确的莫过于联合抵制考试的学生们,他们对机会太少、课程缩减牢骚满腹。
They're boycotting the shop because the people who work there aren't allowed to join a union. 他们抵制那家商店,因为店员没有获准加入工会。
They're boycotting the shop. 他们联合抵制那家商店。
People are boycotting beef products imported from the foreign country. 人们正在抵制这个外国国家进口的牛肉类制品。
Furthermore, Legislators, after their colleagues were detained, often exercise their legislative power-amending laws or boycotting budget bills-to counter the prosecution and the judiciary system. 而立法委员在同仁惨痛之实例下,则常于修法或审查预算时,利用职权反制检察及司法机关。
The easiest way to start boycotting Chinese products is to sew and make your underwear by your own hands. 最简单的抵制中国产品的办法就是用你们自己的双手制造自己的内衣。
The reason they were boycotting them is because they were "protesting," they were saying there was something wrong with the way that the farms were paying and treating the workers. 他们抵制是因为他们“抗议,”他们说农场不能这样压榨那里的工人。
The idea of European politicians boycotting the opening ceremony of the Olympics was mentioned last week by Bernard Kouchner, French Foreign Minister, although he later backed away from the idea. 上周,法国外长贝尔纳库什内(bernardkouchner)曾提出由欧洲政界人物抵制奥运开幕式的想法,但库什内后来收回了这一讲法。
Several are boycotting Sunday's vote, which they see as a step toward shattering their long-held dream of semi-autonomy under a federal system. 一些民族抵制星期天的全国大选投票,他们认为这是朝着粉碎他们长期自治梦想的联邦体制进展。
I've heard from my friends that there are some Chinese people boycotting Kungfu Panda, why? 为什么我听说有些中国人要抵制《功夫熊猫》呢?
Boycotting her is akin to burning the bridge, and this may have a far more disastrous effect. 在这件事上不断的抵制她直到她破釜沉舟,那么这样可能会带来更惨重的结果。
The act or an instance of boycotting. The boycott of British goods began in 1906. 杯葛联合抵制的过程或事例英国货的联合抵制行动始于1906年。
The act or an instance of boycotting. 杯葛联合抵制的过程或事例。
I'm boycotting Chinese passport holders fora year if the execution goes ahead. 如果死刑被执行了,我就抵制一年拿中国护照的人。
Bahrain's main opposition party, Wefaq, is boycotting the poll. 巴林的主要反对派维法格党呼吁抵制选举。
The dream suggests my ambivalence about boycotting China, but the truth is we've had a run of good luck lately, if buying non-Chinese items can be considered good luck. 这个梦预示了我抵制中国制造的矛盾心情,不过最近我们的运气不错&如果说买到非中国制造算是运气的话。
You can be certain my mother is not the sort of person who would continue to inspect product labels if she were boycotting China and somebody she knew died and she needed a dress for the funeral. 可以肯定,妈妈就是那种人,如果她在抵制中国制造,而她认识的某个人去世她需要一件葬礼上的礼服时,她就不会继续查看衣服上的生产地标签。
Anti-dumping means boycotting the dumping measures of foreign goods in the domestic market. 反倾销是指对外国商品在本国市场上的倾销所采取的抵制措施。