Sir, I don't seek a quarrel, not being a braggart. 先生,我并不想寻衅挑斗,也不是爱吹牛的人。
You can overdo it and make yourself sound like a braggart. 这样做就太过了,你会显得在自吹自擂。
Nobody likes a braggart. They dominate conversations and only talk about themselves. 没人喜欢大话王。他们喜欢侃侃而谈,而且只爱自说自话。
Humiliate sb who has been impertinent or boastful a braggart soldier ( a stock figure in comedy). 对无礼的或自夸的人加以羞辱喜欢自夸的士兵(在喜剧中的普通角色)。
Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting," is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts. 这个切罗基族传说讲的是一只“想捉鸭子的兔子”。这只爱说大话的兔子总想在其他动物面前表现的能够自圆其说。
In 2002, the braggart snake-oil salesman, Jean-Marie Le Pen, touched a chord in a worried nation ( but suffered an overwhelming defeat in the second round of the election). 2002年,夸夸其谈的狗皮膏药推销员让-玛丽勒庞曾触动了这个忧心忡忡的国家的心弦(但在第二轮选举中遭遇惨败)。
In both of these cases, complaining is bragging and nobody likes a braggart. 在这两种情形下,抱怨都是夸夸其谈的做法,没有人喜欢一个满口大话的人。
Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves. 她天性谦虚,从不自吹,喜欢以自己的成就来表明一切。
A braggart soldier ( a stock figure in comedy). 喜欢自夸的士兵(在喜剧中的普通角色)。
While on the ship he had never discussed degrees with her, but when she saw this item, she would conclude that he was a deceitful braggart. 在船上从没跟苏小姐谈起学的事,她看到这新闻会断定自己吹牛骗人。
Don't like braggart, dislike the person of the lying. 不喜欢吹牛皮,最讨厌说谎的人。
But if he is born in spring, he will be less of a braggart. 但是如果他在春天出生,他将是较务实。
But, if you speak too loudly, you may be perceived as overbearing, bossy, a bully, a braggart. 但是,如果你说话的声音太大,人们就会觉得你傲慢专横,目空一切。