He appeared in the lounge brandishing a knife. 他挥舞着一把小刀,出现在休息室里。
The men burst in wearing balaclavas and brandishing sawn-off shotguns. 头戴遮脸盔式帽、挥舞着短管猎枪的几名男子冲了进来。
One poster showed the actress crouching and holding a gun pointing upward while the other showed her lying on her back across a car's hood, brandishing guns. 其中一张海报中的茱丽持枪半蹲,枪口指向上方;另一张中茱丽则拿着手枪,躺在发目的盖上。
Brandishing a cleaver and a knife, and with the body of the victim lying yards away, the man said: We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. 画面中,该男子挥舞着砍刀和匕首,站在距离被害人横躺着的身体几码之外说道:我们以万能真主的名义发誓,我们永远不会放弃与你们的抗争。
Said Ron indignantly, a bit of sausage flying off the fork he was now brandishing at Hermione and hitting Ernie Macmillan on the head. My whole family are blood traitors! 罗恩气愤地说道,他朝赫敏挥舞着手里的叉子,结果叉子上的一小片香肠飞了出去,砸在厄尼·麦克米兰的脑袋上,我们全家都背叛了自己的血统!
Two soldiers were holding him, while two others were brandishing supple twigs and bringing them down at regular intervals on the man's bare back. The man shrieked unnaturally. 两名士兵捉住他,另外两名挥动着柔软的树条,有节奏地抽挞着他的裸露的背脊,受惩罚的人异乎寻常地吼叫。
But before you get too excited and start brandishing labels like freak, you should take a closer look at the numbers on shower-peeing frequency. 但先别兴奋或是急于给人贴上怪胎的标签,你应该再仔细瞧一瞧人们在淋浴时小便的频率。
India's Parliament descended into pandemonium Thursday, with one lawmaker letting off pepper spray and another allegedly brandishing a knife during a dispute over the creation of a new state. 印度国会周四陷入一片混乱,在就设立新邦的争论中,一名议员喷了胡椒喷雾,另一人据说挥起了刀子。
But as the vote came to an end, the winners made the mistake of brandishing their no ballots, making public what was supposed to be a private poll& and giving Ms. Hidalgo an opening to bring the whole matter to court. 但是在投票接近尾声时,获胜方犯了个错,他们炫耀自己的否决票,公开了这个本该私密的投票,伊达尔戈因此可以把整件事提交法庭。
Harry looked bemusedly at the photograph Colin was brandishing under his nose. 哈利愣愣地看着科林向他挥舞的那张照片。
Workers buttonhole Mr rice continually, brandishing samples for his approval. 工人们不断拖住赖斯,向他炫耀样品,请他批准。
Those who believe in the High God, the God may grant salvation via his heralds, sword with luminous flames brandishing. 信奉至高之神的人,神会派遣他的使者,挥动着光焰之剑去救赎他们。
Brandishing the rhetoric of inviolable property rights and the fear of property devaluation, the opponents of fair housing posed a formidable challenge. 公平住房的反对者们鼓吹着神圣产权的辨词和财产贬值的恐惧,制造了一场难以对付的挑战。
Inventory actions that night, a large number of gambling games are searched out, law enforcement officers on the spot the scene brandishing a hammer and hoe destroyed. 当晚的清查行动中,有大量的赌博电玩被搜查出来,执法人员当场挥舞锤子和锄头现场销毁。
As with those wristbands, today's ethical consumers parade their virtue, brandishing their bright red American Express cards, flaunting the labels on their eco-friendly clothes and driving around in their hybrid cars instead of just taking the bus. 就像慈善腕带一样,今天的良知消费者大张旗鼓地宣扬他们的良好品德,炫耀其闪闪发光的RED标志美国运通卡,展示生态服装上的标签,驾驶混合动力车满世界游荡而不是去乘坐公共汽车。
However, one gay-rights groups reacted with fury, brandishing the app "ridiculous and horrifying". 然而,一个同性恋者权利团体则愤慨地抨击这款手机软件既可笑又可怕。
The horseman came up to Robin Hood, brandishing his sword. 那个骑士挥舞着剑,来到罗宾汉面前。
Three masked men speaking Serbian and brandishing assault weapons ambush the car. 三个讲塞尔维亚语的蒙面男子挥动着进攻性武器伏击了警车。
While visiting a beach in the south of France one day, Pablo Picasso was approached by a small boy brandishing a blank sheet of paper. 有一天,毕加索去到法国南部的沙滩上,有个小男孩手挥舞一张白纸,向他走来。
They sprang high into the air brandishing their spears. 他们腾空高高跃起,挥舞着长矛。
They sprang about brandishing their spears. 他们挥舞着长矛跳来跳去。
He rushed into the room brandishing a letter. 他挥舞着一封信冲进屋里。
Wu Chih-Sheng followed him, brandishing his incense-stick to clear a way. 吴芝生也跟着,他却用手里的香来开辟一条路。
Rag-tag gunmen manned checkpoints on dozens of street corners, covered in bullet-belts and brandishing RPG launchers. 衣着杂乱的武装人员控制了数十个街角的检查站,他们身披子弹带,挥舞着RPG火箭筒。
She was at the door brandishing tickets. 她在门口挥动着入场券。
Young men roamed the streets brandishing guns. 年轻人挥舞着枪在街头游荡。
He also shows how Britain, by brandishing naval power, was able to prevent America from taking over British Columbia. 钮金先生叙述了英国如何凭借海军力量阻止美国占领英属哥伦比亚。
Suddenly several teenagers appeared brandishing guns – they threw us to the ground and tied us up. 突然,几个青年人冒了出来,手里挥舞着手枪。他们将我们撂倒在地,然后绑了起来。
Goldman has been reduced to brandishing the letter of the law and insisting that it adhered to market practice, which is not the same as ethical principle. 高盛已经沦落到挥舞着法律条文,坚称自己符合市场惯例的地步,这与道德准则不是一回事。