I was in those days a poor student and would brashly attempt to teach anybody anything for a Buck an hour 那一时期,我是个穷学生,老着脸皮充当补习教师,谁请都教,而且啥都敢教,学费是一个钟头一块钱
Brashly, she asked for a rebate. 她要回扣,真不知羞耻。
Seven years ago, Michael R.Bloomberg brashly introduced himself to New Yorkers as a billionaire candidate for mayor. 七年前,彭博意气风发地向纽约市民毛遂自荐,自称是亿万富豪市长候选人。
You've no shame and no feelings. brashly, she asked for a rebate. 你不知耻,也没有情感。她要回扣,真不知羞耻。