N-COUNT (帽)檐 The brim of a hat is the wide part that sticks outwards at the bottom.
Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。
...a flat black hat with a wide brim. 宽边平顶黑礼帽
VERB 充满;充溢 If someone or something is brimming with a particular quality, they are full of that quality.
England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament. 英格兰队在锦标赛中连赢两场后信心大增。
Brim over means the same as brim . brim over同brim
I noticed Dorabella was brimming over with excitement... 我注意到多拉贝拉非常兴奋。
Her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles. 她对查尔斯满怀爱慕之情。
VERB 充满,充盈(泪水) When your eyes are brimming with tears, they are full of fluid because you are upset, although you are not actually crying.
Michael looked at him imploringly, eyes brimming with tears. 迈克尔满怀乞求地看着他,两眼泪汪汪的。
Brim over means the same as brim . brim over同brim
When she saw me, her eyes brimmed over with tears and she could not speak. 她看到我时,两眼泪汪汪的,说不出话来。
VERB 装满;充满 If something brims with particular things, it is packed full of them.
The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses. 花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。
PHRASE (尤指容器)盛满,装满 If something, especially a container, is filled to the brim or full to the brim with something, it is filled right up to the top.
Richard filled her glass right up to the brim... 理查德给她倒了满满一杯。
The toilet was full to the brim with insects. 厕所里爬满了虫子。
PHRASE 充满,洋溢(某种感情) If you are full to the brim with a particular emotion, you feel that emotion so strongly that it is stronger than all other emotions.
Her heart beat so fast and she was full to the brim with joy. 她心跳加快,满心喜悦。
I've fully brimmed a glass with wine for him. 我为他满满当当斟了一杯酒。
The river brimmed over its banks. 河水漫过了堤岸。
His eyes brimmed with tears. 他热泪盈眶。
Tears brimmed in her eyes. 她热泪盈眶。
Throughout the festival, people everywhere brimmed with hospitality and joy. 在整个节日过程中,各处的人们都洋溢着热情并充满了喜悦。
The men who work the boat wear what canal workers might have worn back then-broad-brimmed straw hats and suspenders that pull their scratchy-looking pants high above their boots. 船上的工人穿着只有当年运河船工们才有的行头:宽边草帽和吊带裤。那吊带把他们那看起来粗糙的裤子高高吊起,露出他们的靴子。
Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent. 那些天空里匆忙盛开的夏天,阳光有了最繁盛的拔节。
Mr. Lin's voice trembled. With an effort he held back the tears that brimmed to his eyes. 林先生颤着声音说,努力忍住了滚到眼眶边的眼泪。
Their eyes met, and his heart brimmed over. 他们的目光相遇时他心里激动万分。
He brimmed a cup with wine. 他斟满一杯酒。
He brimmed all the cups with wine. Let me top up your glass. 他斟满了所有的酒杯。我来把你的杯子斟满。
Jack took up a coco-nut shell that brimmed with fresh water and drank. 杰克拿起一只盛满清水的椰壳一饮而尽。
His eyes brimmed with tears, the master from the south hides in the dark corner, waiting for the innermost redemption. 来自江南的主人躲在暗角,两眼噙泪。他在等待着内心的救赎。
An angel flies into my life! Your refined heart is brimmed with many brilliant colors and pure poems as well as many sweet joys and sincere blessings. 我燃烧的心窝中感受到世间难觅的真诚的爱,天使降临我的生活,你优美丰蕴的心灵充满那么多亮丽的色彩和纯真的诗,那么多甜美的欢笑和真诚的祝福。
As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. 当米亚讲完他的故事,他眼睛的泪水已经流满整个小脸。
The admissibility system of the Anglo-American evidence law is brimmed over with hundreds of complicated rules which are mainly arranged in a special enactment. 英美法系国家存在着数目众多、体系复杂的证据能力规则,主要通过单独的证据立法实现对证据能力的规范。
In terms of the conflicts between an individual life and historical rationality, LuYao's novels observed the existence of an individual person, showed a concern over his or her value and brimmed with a strong felling about the common people. 路遥的作品在个体生命与历史理性的冲突悲剧中,透露出对人的存在状态的深入体察,以及对人的生存价值的深切关注,洋溢着浓烈的平民意识与平民情怀。
In the era of economic globalization, working together with other countries in global economic cooperation system is the precondition to escape being brimmed. 在经济全球化时代,融入全球分工体系,是避免在全球化进程中被边缘化的前提条件。
She has been amazed by the country's profound culture. What amazed is the modernization of material and institution has lag behind modernity which brimmed over the rural society in China. 她关注中国文化,学习中国文化,并致力于两国之间的文化交流。相对落后的农村虽然远没有实现器物和制度层面上的现代化,然而漫溢着的现代性却成为乡村社会的一大景观。
The plasma-like cell which did not contain granules is brimmed with laminal rough endoplasmic reticulum. 浆样细胞,其胞质充满板层状糙面内质网,但不含特殊颗粒,它是否由透明细胞转化而来,尚待确证。