Nitin is an SNIA certified Storage professional and holds other certifications from Brocade and IBM in related technologies. Nitin是一位SNIA认证的存储专业人士,并持有由Brocade和IBM颁发的在相关技术领域的其他认证。
Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured dacron or the brocade? 您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶照旧织锦缎的?
Meanwhile, Persian silk brocade made locally and other "Hu Minorities? Brocades" as export products are discussed. 同时对高昌本地制作波斯锦等“胡锦”外销产品作了探讨。
The Application of the Dai Ethnic Brocade Patterns to Modern Fashion Design 傣族织锦图案在现代服装设计中的应用
This kind of brocade looks very beautiful. 这种织锦看上去很漂亮。
On the Artistic Manifestation of Tujia Brocade Patterns in Costume Design 土家织锦纹样在服饰设计中的艺术表现
The "Genteel Lu" brocade is kind of proper folk textile in Qufu. 在“古典路”博科是一种适当的民间纺织曲阜。
The brocade abundant can make money to say that he has the judgment, has the guts. 锦盛能够赚钱要说他有眼光,有胆量。
Brocade: Woven fabric having a raised floral or figured design that is introduced during the weaving process. 织锦缎:具有浮起的花卉或其它图案的织物,通常用提花装置织成。
Pendant Material: Swarovski crystal, Silver, Brocade. 吊坠材质:施华洛世奇水晶,纯银,锦缎。
Brocade: a heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design. 锦缎:编织成富丽的凸花纹的原织物。
Gold and green satin brocade drapes hung at the windows. 窗上挂着金碧辉煌的缎子窗帘。
We can weave the most beautiful brocade in the world. 我们能织出世界上最漂亮的锦缎。
Which material do you like? Silk or brocade? 你喜欢哪种料子,真丝还是织锦缎?
The brocade from Bashu has a significant effect on the culture, the economic development, the political stability and the aesthetic thoughts of the Tang Dynasty. 唐代,是蜀锦发展的鼎盛时期,它是融入了巴蜀文化的中华文明瑰宝,蜀锦对唐代的文化、经济发展和政治稳定以及审美思想均产生了重要影响。
Chief among them are porcelain and pottery, laces, embroidery, carpets, brocade, cloisonn é, carvings of jade, stone, ivory and wood, lacquerware, braiding, toys, etc. 它们中主要的是陶瓷、花边、刺绣品、地毯、织锦、景泰蓝、玉雕、石雕、象牙雕刻和木雕、漆器、编织物、玩具等等。
The blood stained her honour and her new brocade. 血迹玷污了她的新装,也玷污了她的名誉。
Yue Embroidery, which encompasses Guangzhou Embroidery and Chaozhou Embroidery, has the same origin as Li Brocade. 粤绣,其中包括广州,潮州刺绣刺绣,具有与李博科一脉相承。
Sichuan Brocade is endowed with rich cultural and artistic connotation as well as value for appreciation and collection. 蜀锦有着丰富的文化艺术内涵和欣赏收藏价值,故世人誉之为东方瑰宝、神州一绝。
After get here, transform intimate with most nothing is better than at the brocade lotus with her. 自从到了这里之后,和她最亲近的莫过于锦莲了。
She got that pair of Tianhuang seal again and noticed that its brocade box had been renewed. 她又找出那一对田黄图章,发现已换了簇新的锦盒。
Heritage and development of brocade of traditional handicraft, explore the inheritance and development problems with enlightenment. 对云锦传承与发展的探索,对传统手工艺的传承与发展问题具有启示意义。
During the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, Shu Embroidery and Shu Brocade were exchanged for horses and used to settle debts. 在汉代,三国,蜀绣和蜀博科交换了马匹和被用来偿还债务。
Chinese brocade art has a long history of development and enjoys a high fame around the world. 中国传统的织锦艺术历史悠久,源远流长,在世界上享有盛誉。
The sofa was covered with expensive brocade. 沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。
The warp brocade was traditional weaving technique in ancient China; the weft brocade was weaving technique of Hesperian. 经锦是春秋战国以来我国传统的织造技术,而料纹纬锦则是在唐代从西方纺织技术吸收来的。
Brocade characteristic of flowery colour, texture closely thick, smooth sheen, is the representative of our silk varieties. 织锦缎的特性为色彩绚丽,质地紧密厚实,表面平整光泽,是我国丝绸中具有代表性的品种。
The ancients call colorful woven material brocade. 古代人把带有彩色花纹的丝织品叫做锦。
I know Tujia is a national minority in southern China, but not quite clear about their brocade. 我知道土家族是少数民族。住在南方,但不太知道他们的织锦。
Chinese women in brocade gowns and smartly suited Chinese businessmen and officials mingled with the international set. 穿着锦缎旗袍的中国女人、举止潇洒的中国生意人以及官员与国际组织交往着。