The implementation of EDR made the public more confident in China Stock Market and was bulling the market greatly from the beginning of2006 to the present. 股改的成功实施使我国广大投资者信心倍增,并成为推动2006年初以来一轮罕见大牛市的重要因素。
Some are bulling shares. 有些人正大量买进股票以抬高价格。
This month he started off as a bear; then, when he saw that the situation in Changsha was quite peaceful, he changed over to bulling, and at the moment he's probably holding six or seven million. 这一个月里,他先是‘空头’,后来一看长沙没有事,就变做‘多头’,现在他手里大概有六七百万。
The three stages of life: being bullied, bullying, and bulling yourself. 人生的三个阶段:被人欺,自欺,欺人。
Seconds later he was on the phone again, bulling into the next prospect. 几秒钟之后,他又开始打电话,急切地去欺骗下一位潜在客户。
However, adult bullying, including bulling in the workplace, is a frighteningly common occurrence. 然而,成年人的欺负行为,包括职场欺负行为,普遍程度骇人听闻。
Science and Technology Building in garden City& Design for Science and Technology Bulling of Yangzhou University 花园城市里的科技园&扬州大学科技创业园设计
School Bulling in Japan 日本校园欺侮事件
Bulling behavior is a commonly bad behavior in children. 欺负行为是儿童身上较为常见的不良行为。
On the other hand, the thesis compares heat consumption and synthesis correction factor with energy-saving and non energy-saving bulling. 本文还对节能建筑、不节能建筑的耗热量及综合修正系数进行了比较。
This research have theory meaning and reality meaning. The theory meaning of this research is that this research applies group counseling to intervene bulling for the first time, enriching the research on bullying, especially the study on the methods for the intervening of bulling. 本研究的意义:本研究的理论意义在于首创了通过团体心理咨询对欺负行为进行干预的方法,丰富了欺负问题的研究,尤其是欺负干预问题的方法学研究。
The motions of coal particles was simulated with the Discrete Element Method ( DEM) in the bulling fluidized bed. 应用离散单元方法(DEM)对流化床内煤粒的运动进行了模拟。
The word bulling should be no stranger to everyone, the bullying throughout always of human social behavior, especially among high school students bully problem is on the rise. 欺负一词对大家来说应该并不陌生,欺负行为贯穿着人类社会行为始终,尤其是中学生之间的欺负问题更是呈现上升趋势。