This government is full of interfering busybodies. 这个政府里净是爱管闲事的人。
When she was a child she had regarded her mother as an interfering busybody. 当她还是个孩子的时候,她觉得母亲是个管事婆。
After all I've done for him, I end up being called a busybody. 我为他忙了半天,归终还说我是多管闲事。
He's a real busybody. 他爱管闲事。
He is a busybody. 他是个爱管闲事的主儿。
The doctor was quite certain that if any inquisitive busybody were later to insist on an inquiry, he would be found innocent. 医生非常确信,如果好奇的爱管闲事的人以后坚持要对此开展调查,也会发现他是清白无辜的。
However, if the questioner is just a nosy busybody, say that the minute you said your wedding vows, you considered yourselves a family. 然而,如果只是一个爱管闲事的人问的,就说你在结婚誓言里面已经说过了,你们已经是一家人了。
I don't want to sound like a busybody, but didn't you plan to go abroad? 我并不想瞎打听,可你原来打算出国吗?
He's an interfering busybody in this village. 他是这个村子里爱管闲事的人!
Sara is a busybody, always poking her nose into other people's affairs. 萨拉是个好管闲事的人,老是打听别人的事。
They wanted to get rid of her because they thought she was an interfering busybody. 他们想要摆脱她,因为他们认为她是个爱管闲事的主。
And where there is not much point in busybody neighbours twitching the curtains make for friendlier places to live. 好管闲事的邻居隔帘打探已无多大意义,这一点帮助营造了更加友好的居住氛围。
She is a busybody, which makes her disgusting. 她是个忙人,这使得她令人讨厌。
Busy soul have no time to be busybody. 大忙人是没工夫管闲事的。
Stay away from it, you busybody. 让开吧,你这个好管闲事的人。
My80's I'm always looking for a chance to stir up trouble, I'm a busybody inherently. 我的80年代我天生就是一个好事之徒,唯恐天下不乱。
Those people who intentionally lead a life of leisure don't go around all day like the busybody. 励行悠闲生活的人,他们不会像那些无事忙的人,整天在外面东奔西跑。