He would never come here, unless it was to cadge free drinks. 他要不是为了白喝几口是不会来这里的。
From now on, of Zhang Lu cadge the level exceeded money baldicoot far. 从此,张禄的乞讨水平远远超过了钱秃子。
People of a batch of another batch of inside Shanghaiguan leave his native place, cadge all the way to district extensive northeast earth fends. 一批又一批关内人背井离乡,一路乞讨到地域辽阔的东北大地谋生。
To cadging make a living as a performer person clear the standard also had clear, pester repeatedly namely, beg forcibly the person that reach the means with other and mobbish other to cadge. 对于乞讨卖艺者的清理标准也有了明确,即反复纠缠、强行讨要及以其他滋扰他人的方式乞讨者。
I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver. 我求一个卡车司机免费载了我一程。
You see this man cadge here, I give him five Yuan or ten Yuan that's ok, we need to give something for the man like this sometimes. 我能给他五元十元都没什么所谓,有时我们就得给点什么。
On the other hand, international lawbreakers cadge children multinationally without restraint, in the name of foreign adoption, whose shocking crimes make every country and area take cautious attitude to admitting the force of foreign adoption from another country or area, even place obstacles. 但另一方面,国际不法分子借涉外收养名义大肆跨国贩卖儿童,其骇人丑行造成各个国家及地区对承认他国或他地区涉外收养的法律效力秉持审慎态度,甚至设置障碍。