Bel Canto Factors in Jin Tielin's National Singing Teaching System 金铁霖民族声乐教学体系中的几个美声因素
But is there no obvious successor to her in these wonderfully dramatic bel canto roles? 但没有明显的继任者,她在这美妙戏剧性美声唱法角色?
Hong Kong people listens to music, just like any of us. From Hong Kong Canto pop music to the really classical ones. 香港人听音乐,就像一样任何我们。从香港流行艺术音乐到真的古典的。
He learned to bel canto in a conservatory. 他在音乐学院学习的是美声唱法。
Bel canto originated from Castrato under the background of religious music and has retained the vocal techniques used by Castrati. 美声唱法是从宗教音乐的背景中诞生的,最早源自“阉人歌手”。
The paper studies the singing of Shaoxing opera by spectrum analyzing and makes a comparison with bel canto. 本文通过应用频谱分析方法对我国越剧唱法的声音形态进行了研究并且与美声唱法进行了比较。
The beginning canto of the poem; the first verse. 诗歌开始的篇章;开头的韵文。
A "head voice", derived from the theory of voice register of Bel Canto, is closely associated with the emergence and the development of the theory of voice register. “头声”一词脱胎于美声学派的声区理论,与声区理论的形成和发展密切相关。
On the Compatibility of the Teaching Method on Bel Canto, Folk Singing and Popular Singing Singing Features of Chinese Songs and Music Education 中国歌曲的演唱特点及音乐教育&以美声、民族、通俗三种唱法为比较
A Comparison of the Artistic Features between Bel Canto and Mongolian long-tune singing 美声唱法与蒙古族长调的艺术特点比较
On the Compatibility of the Teaching Method on Bel Canto, Folk Singing and Popular Singing 论美声、民声、通俗三种唱法教学的兼容性
This morning I gave class on a verse from the Third Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam about the glories of the brahminical, or priestly, order. 今晨,我讲述了《圣典博伽瓦谭》的第三篇中的诗节,是关于婆罗们阶层或神职阶层的荣耀。
On the Integration of Bel Canto and Modern Folk Singing 他们齐声合唱叠句。浅谈美声唱法与当代民族唱法的融合
The singing style with a combination of bel canto and popular singing is a method in which the singer has certain bel canto basis and mainly has popular singing style. 美声和流行相融合的唱法是一种有一定美声基础又以流行歌曲演唱风格为主的唱法。
As there are some differences in the style of articulation between the western and Chinese chorus works, so are the singing techniques of Chinese chorus works, bel canto and folk singing. 摘要中、西方合唱音乐作品在演唱用声风格上存有差异,中国合唱音乐作品在演唱方法上与美声唱法、民族唱法亦有不同。
Chinese singing style is a bit similar to bel canto. 中国的传统演唱方法和美声有点相似。
Studies on Regular Attitude and Behavior Issue Caused by Misunderstanding the Voice Concept of Bel Canto 对美声唱法声音概念的误解引发的习惯性态度及行为问题研究
Answer: I do best in bel canto and demotic singing. 答:我最擅长的是美声唱法和通俗唱法。
On the General and Individual Characters of Bel Canto and National Way of Singing; Radio 4 had a lot of decent actors breathing excitedly and chanting Pharaonic hymns at very opportunity and to little purpose. 浅论美声唱法与民族唱法之共性与个性无线电四台有许多像样的演员利用一切机会兴奋地低吟和歌唱法老赞歌,但效果不大。
Longfa people score up the brilliant canto with their diligence. 龙发人用辛勤写下辉煌篇章!
We may compare Queen's English to bel canto songs and American English to popular ones. 我们可以把英语普通话比作美声唱法,而把美国英语比作流行唱法。
Outstanding Course and Splendid Canto& Review and Summarization on 60 Years Development of Sichuan Forestry 非凡的历程壮丽的篇章&四川林业60年的回顾与总结
The fourth canto of Byron's "Childe Harold" 拜伦长诗《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》的第四章
The vocalists of the world most nation all think that the bel canto is a orthodox method. belcanto(美歌)被世界多数国家的声乐家们所公认,并被视为正统的歌唱方法。
Exact voice of words is an important problem in the teaching of bel canto. 歌词的准确表达是西洋传统唱法&美声唱法教学中的重要问题。
Secondly, this topic and discusses the bel canto singing skills and aesthetic standards and national singing skills and aesthetic standards. 其次,本课题又论述了美声的演唱技巧和审美标准以及民族的演唱技巧和审美标准。
Zhang Quan is a pioneer to nationalize bel canto through her mucic study experience and performance. 张权是美声唱法民族化的先行者和体现者,她通过自己一生的声乐学习经历和演出实践,将西洋美声唱法民族化。
Bel canto students can better control the vocal cord vibration frequency while singing. 美声专业学生在歌唱时可以更好地控制声带振动的频率。
These songs are classic works essential to study bel canto. 这些歌曲是学习美声唱法过程中必不可少的经典作品。