They were capering about, shouting and laughing 他们欢呼雀跃,放声大笑。
Missing you, is the capering of my fingers on the keyboard that are typing my flying miss flowing through my heart and growing into a note that is swinging up and down in the air. 想你,看手指在键盘上孤单的跳跃,敲打我翻飞的思念,让牵挂在心头涌动,化为迭次起伏而寂寥的音符在空气中飘荡。
I like to watch my dogs capering here and there. 我喜欢看我的狗儿们到处蹦蹦跳跳。
It is money that we have not earned, the windfall, the magical bonus, that starts us capering. 只有不是我们挣来的钱,意外之财,魔术般出现的奖金或红利才使我们手舞足蹈。
Next came the musicians and a rearguard of capering fakirs, whose cries sometimes drowned the noise of the instruments. 接着是乐队和一支狂热的信徒组成的大军,他们叫喊的声音,有时甚至掩盖了那震耳欲聋的乐器声。
The lambs were capering in the fields. 小羊在田野里欢快地蹦蹦跳跳。
The past few weeks have produced a capering procession of well-known men caught with their trousers down, while their wives are photographed with swollen eyes hidden behind fashionable shades. 在过去的几个星期里,众多男明星接连被抓到有外遇,他们可怜的老婆们只能打扮的靓丽些,以此来掩饰自己哭肿的双眼。
Young Confucius imagines: beautiful river island, gurgling water, two birds in beautiful feather singing and capering 小孔丘的想像(画外)(略):美丽的河洲,河水潺潺流动,两只羽毛漂亮的水鸟在跳跃欢唱