The President has lost no opportunity to capitalise on his new position 总统抓住一切机会,大肆利用自己的新职位。
Zhangjiajie hopes to capitalise on that fame. 张家界希望利用这部电影的声誉。
How well cities meet those challenges, and capitalise on the opportunities, will have profound consequences. 城市如何有效应对这些挑战并利用这些机遇将产生深远影响。
While some universities are trying to capitalise on the new Africa trend, others are slower to change. 尽管一些大学正设法利用这股新出现的非洲热,但还有一些大学对于这一变化的反应较慢。
It has to capitalise on its own strengths and develop higher value-added activities. 因此,必须充分利用本身的优势,以发展高增值的经济活动。
"While emerging market currencies have dramatically increased their market share, trading volumes in these regions have, for the most part, failed to capitalise on this increase," he says. 尽管新兴市场货币的市场份额大幅上升,但这些地区的交易额基本上未能受益于这一增幅。
The aim now is to capitalise on this new, more positive mood. 现在的目标是要利用这个新的,更积极的气氛。
It is not always easy-many of the heritage brands they are trying to revive suffered years of mismanagement and poor performance-but this group of business owners hopes to capitalise on consumers 'pride, community spirit, and sense of nostalgia. 这并非总是轻而易举他们试图重振的许多老企业多年来管理不善,业绩糟糕但这些企业主希望能够利用消费者的自豪感、社区精神和怀旧情绪。
Yet for a long time Brazil did not capitalise properly on all this wealth. 然而,在很长一段时间内,巴西并没有合适地把所有这些财富转化为资本。
Second, he has made the group more international to capitalise on growth opportunities outside Europe. 其次,菲润巴赫使集团更加国际化,以利用欧洲以外的增长机遇。
Across the country, from the big cities of Beijing and Shanghai to the smallest regional towns, countless such complexes have sprung up in recent years as developers and local governments have rushed to capitalise on the frenzy for property. 近年来,随着开发商和地方政府争相利用房地产热牟利,在全国范围内,从北京、上海等大都市到地方小城镇,冒出了数不清的这样的楼盘。
Morgan Stanley's 34.3 per cent interest in CICC presents the opportunity to capitalise on the continued development of China's economy and capital markets. 摩根士丹利所持中金公司34.3%的股份,提供了获利于中国经济和资本市场持续发展的机会。
Sun, however, failed to capitalise on its foresight. 不过,太阳公司未能利用自己的远见。
Although competition from local developers is strong, Japanese developers believe they can capitalise on their decades of experience as well as the reputation for quality work that Japanese companies enjoy. 虽然来自中国本土开发商的竞争相当激烈,但日本开发商相信,数十年的经验,以及日本企业在质量方面享有的盛名,都是他们可以利用的优势。
Willis hope to capitalise on the growth in this sector over coming months. 威利斯希望在未来的几个月中能好好利用这个领域的成长机会。
He failed to capitalise on that strength because he lacks a politician's instincts and flair for the art of the possible. 他没有能够利用这个优势,因为他缺乏一位政治家从政的本能和才干。
Will the government print even more money to capitalise the banks, with the future inflationary risks that generates? 政府是否会印刷更多的钞票来为这些银行注资,从而产生未来的通胀风险?
Like their counterparts of today, promoters seeking to capitalise on the public's frustration with stocks pushed opportunistic trading strategies, usually involving options and futures contracts. 与目前一样,当时的推广者试图利用公众对股票的挫败感,大力推行机会主义的交易策略,通常包括期权和期货合约。
It expects demand in other Asian markets to continue rising as farmers seek to capitalise on high prices for crops such as palm oil, sugar, rice and rubber. 该公司预计,其他亚洲市场的化肥需求将继续增长,原因是农民们会寻求利用棕榈油、糖、大米和橡胶等作物价格高企的机会谋利。
The Dampier port investment is part of an iron ore strategy that seeks to boost production in Australia and West Africa to capitalise on demand in China, Japan and South Korea. 在丹皮尔港口的投资,是该公司铁矿石战略的一部分,目的是促进在澳大利亚和西非的生产,以利用中国、日本和韩国的需求。
That opens up huge opportunities for the Cokes and Pepsis of the world. I believe getting aggressive to capitalise on such opportunities makes infinite sense. 这为全世界像可口可乐和百事可乐这样的公司提供了巨大的商机。我认为,积极利用这些机会,有着重要的意义。
Far-right parties hope to capitalise on the ugly mood at presidential and local elections later this month. 极右党派希望在一个月后的总统和地方选举时利用由此造成的恶劣情绪。
The company, which owns rights to Italian sportswear brand Kappa in mainland China and Macao, is seeking to capitalise on the rapid growth of China's consumer market and increased domestic interest in sportswear ahead of next year's Olympics in Beijing. 中国动向拥有意大利运动服装品牌Kappa在中国大陆及澳门的经销权。该公司正寻求利用中国消费品市场迅速增长,以及明年北京奥运会前国人对运动服装兴趣有所上升的机会。
Foreign companies will be able to invest in the Kaesong industrial park in North Korea from next month as the South Korean government tries to capitalise on emerging optimism about the nuclear crisis and promote greater co-operation with the North. 从下个月起,外国公司将可以在朝鲜的开城工业园进行投资。目前,韩国政府正试图利用国际上对朝鲜核危机新出现的乐观态度,加大与朝鲜的合作力度。
We had great chances to score and we failed to capitalise on them because the pitch was in bad shape and Levante defended fiercely. 我们创造了很好的射门机会,但没能利用机会得分,因为场地实在很糟糕,莱万特的防守也很凶猛。
Ford and others are rushing to develop products and services to capitalise on the possibilities of new telecommunications and cloud-computing technology, even as they sell more cars than ever in densely urbanised emerging markets. 福特和其它汽车制造商正急于开发产品和服务,以利用新的通信和云计算技术的可能性即便它们目前在人口密集的新兴市场的汽车销量超过以往任何时候。
We gotta capitalise all this attention that we're getting. 我们要吸引人们所有的目光。
Banks, fund managers, and insurance companies have launched a wide array of products denominated in the renminbi, seeking to capitalise on fervent investor demand for exposure to the Chinese currency. 银行、基金公司与保险公司已经推出了种类繁多的人民币计价产品,以期利用投资者对增加人民币敞口的热切需求。
It may be that the multinationals of the developed world offer the best way to capitalise from emerging economy growth. 发达世界的跨国公司或许提供了利用新兴经济体增长的最佳方式。