I lived in terror of her sudden caprices and moods. 她的任性妄为和喜怒无常让我整天提心吊胆。
This wasn't a love that depended on chance or caprice, but a love as mighty and eternal as the universe itself. 这不是依赖机会或反复无常的爱,这爱跟宇宙本身一样巨大和永恒。
Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment. 拥有才华和智慧,从来不会使人对命运的反复无常有所准备;我也不会假设大家坐在这里冷静地满足于自身的优越感。
If his own vanity, however, did not mislead him, he was the cause, his pride and caprice were the cause, of all that Jane had suffered, and still continued to suffer. 如果彬格莱先生本来并没有给虚荣心冲昏头脑,那么,吉英目前所受的种种痛苦,以及将来还要受下去的痛苦,都得归罪于他,归罪于他的傲慢和任性。
Eg. her decision to wear only black clothes was pure caprice. 她决定只穿黑衣服完全是忽发奇想。
Even though I could gratify every caprice and lay my hands on every object of desire, I would not go into rapture, unless with you in my life. 除非生命中有你,否则,即使能恣意妄为,能染指任何想要的,我也不会快乐。
In a condition of merely agricultural industry, caprice and slavery, superstition and ignorance, want of means of culture, of trade, and of transport, poverty and political weakness exist. 国家处于纯农业阶段时,国内情况是任性与奴役、迷信与无知,在文化、贸易、运输各方面都感到缺乏,贫困和政治上的衰弱是它们的特点。
Whimsical i.determined by, arising from, or marked by whim or caprice. 异想天开古怪念头或异想天开的所决定的。
To execute any caprice or order of her patients is her chiefest joy and reward. 执行病人的任何离奇想法或命令,是她的最重要的欢乐和酬劳。
And my flawed characters, such as caprice, fickleness and vanity, were the mistakes made by innocence. 我的缺陷特征,如任性,浮躁与虚荣,是错误的清白。
Before the establishment of labor unions, a worker could be discharged at the caprice of any manager. 在工会组织建立以前,一个工人可能因任何一个经理人员的一时兴起而被解雇。
Once passed, cannot be changed or varied according to the whim or caprice of any officer, board or individual. 一旦通过,就不能由于任何官员,委员会或个人的一时兴致或反复无常而变更或修改。
Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice. 基于或者受制于个人的判断或者喜好,有时甚至是冲动或者任性。
Because of a history of sanctions and the caprice of their leadership, Libyans and Iraqis alike have benefitted little from their country's oil wealth. 因为长期遭受制裁,领导人反复无常,利比亚人和伊拉克人一样,从国家的石油财富中获利甚少。
The individual= s ends will change as he learns from other people; they may also change out of sheer caprice. 人的目的会受他人的影响而改变,也可能干脆反复无常。
Don't be in awe of its caprice, though sometimes it comes and goes unseen. 不要敬畏它的无常,虽然有时它来去无踪;
Her refusal to go to the party is a mere caprice. 她拒绝参加宴会完全是无理由的突发之举。
His lack of money was the result of caprice in spending on unnecessary. 他经济上的窘迫是因为他肆意的把钱花在一些没有必要的东西上。
He acted not from reason, but from caprice. 他不是凭理智,而是凭幻想来行动。
A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature. 七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化。
Her name is caprice and she's got shingles. 她叫凯普莱斯,只不过是有疱疹。
For He Who is the fullness of all things and Who possesses all that He will, wills nothing by caprice. 对于充满万物的和按他的意志支配万物的上帝,由于诸行无常意志不复存在。
According to the Caprice of the mind. 追随心灵无常的遐想。
Is it mere caprice, or is there some reason behind the choice? 这样的选择仅仅是神的怪想,还是在其背后有某种道理?
Something is the matter with you, caprice. 你真的有点问题,可普莉斯。
The Baron might possibly have perceived it, but, attributing it to a caprice, feigned ignorance. 男爵或许也觉察到她那种态度,但他认为这只是他女儿的怪僻,假装不知道。
Let our friendship be a caprice. 就让我们的友谊算作一时遣兴吧。
The spectre showed a spectre's ordinary caprice: it gave no sign of being; 幽灵显示出幽灵素有的反复无常,它偏偏不来!