Air pollution also increases risks for other diseases, especially respiratory and heart diseases, according to the World Health Organization, which classified outdoor air pollution as a carcinogen last year. 据世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)说,空气污染还增加了罹患其他疾病的风险,特别是呼吸道和心脏疾病。世界卫生组织去年将室外空气污染归入致癌物。
Cadmium is a known carcinogen and is similar to lead in that it can hinder brain development in the very young. 据知,化学物质镉是一种致癌物质。跟铅类似,镉在人非常小的时候会阻碍大脑的发育。
To put these and the many other results reported in the paper in some perspective, we compared the health effects of harmful workplace practices to that of second-hand smoke, a known carcinogen and risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 为了更形象地理解这些结论以及论文中报告的其他结果,我们将有害的工作场所与二手烟对健康的影响进行了对比。二手烟是一种已知致癌物,也是引发心血管疾病的风险因素。
The company has been using caramel, which contains 4-methyl imidazole ( 4-MI), a carcinogen, to color the drink, said a Xinhua report. 新华社报道称,可口可乐长期使用焦糖对可乐进行着色,而焦糖中含有一种致癌物&4-甲基咪唑(4-MI)。
In1987, the US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA) classified formaldehyde as a probable human carcinogen under conditions of unusually high or prolonged exposure ( 1). 1987年,美国环境保护署(EPA)曝光(分类甲醛作为或长时间高的条件下人类可能致癌的物质的异常1)。
The fat of fish and meat incomplete combustion, will produce a large number of V-methyl derivatives of ammonia, which is a strength of more than a carcinogen aflatoxin. 鱼和肉里的脂肪不完全燃烧,会产生大量的V&氨甲基衍生物,这是一种强度超过了黄曲霉素的致癌物。
Bromate is one of the disinfection by-products produced by the ozonation of drinking water, which is considered as a potential2B-level carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer. 溴酸盐是用臭氧对饮用水进行消毒时产生的一种副产物,已被国际癌症研究机构定为2B级的潜在致癌物。
Acrylamide is considered a possible human carcinogen. 据认为,丙烯酰胺可能是一种人类致癌物。
Based on animal data and on human epidemiology data, TCDD was classified by IARC as a "known human carcinogen". 根据动物数据和人类流行病学数据,IARC将TCDD分类为“已知人类致癌物”。
Ethyl carbamate ( EC) is a known genotoxic carcinogen which is contained widespread in fermented food. 氨基甲酸乙酯是一种广泛存在于发酵食品中的致癌物质。
DNA adducts is a very important class of biomarkers of human exposure to carcinogen, cancer risk assessment, and population susceptibility. DNA加合物是一类重要的生物标志物,可应用于人体致癌物暴露监测、癌症风险评价和人群易感性研究。
The AEL and combined carcinogen lists in the SHE office files are the sources for obtaining this information. 安全部文件中的AEL和致癌列表是这类信息的来源。
There is one carcinogen in particular that researchers suspected for years contributed to human lung cancer. 多年以来研究人员猜测,有一种特别的致癌物质是导致人类得肺癌的罪魁祸首。
Potential Carcinogen in the Fried Food: Acrylamide 油炸食品中潜在致癌物丙烯酰胺&新的食品安全问题
OTA is a fungal toxin also considered a possible human carcinogen. 赭曲霉毒素A是一种真菌毒素,也被认为是可能的人类致癌物。
It was proved by experimentation that allicin not only inhibited carcinogen function, but also decreased cancer cell proliferation. 试验证明,大蒜素不仅能抑制致癌物的致癌作用,而且对肿瘤细胞的增殖也有抑制作用。
Infection of the mucosal lining of the stomach has been associated with almost all stomach cancers, and the WHO has classified the bacteria as a group I carcinogen for this stypie of cancer. 胃黏膜内的感染几乎和所有胃癌相关,世界健康组织把这种细菌归为这种癌症的I类致癌物。
Background: Animal studies suggest that hydrazine is a lung carcinogen, but human studies have been rare, rather small, and limited to cancer mortality. 背景:动物研究发现联氨可能为肺部致癌物质,但人类研究相当少,且局限于癌症死亡率之调查。
The Consumer Product Safety Commission said the levels of the carcinogen cadmium in the glasses was too high. 消费安全产品委员会认为这些玻璃杯中的镉含量过高。
He does say the carcinogen cadmium is no longer in use. 不过他说,致癌物质镉已经不再使用。
Pitch Fume is a kind of carcinogen, which can cause severe harm to the health of human beings. 沥青烟是一种较强的致癌物质,对人的健康会造成极大的伤害。
As noted by the IARC report, UVA light is also a class I carcinogen and should be avoided. 正如IARC报告中所称的一样,UVA也是I类诱癌因素,应当避免暴露。
The term of chronic irritation as a carcinogen is so vague that it is not easy to discuss. 慢性刺激作为致癌因子,其意义是如此含糊以致不易加以讨论。
This is believed to be the largest dose on record of a pure carcinogen administered directly to people. 这被认为是有史以来的直接用于人体的致癌物最大剂量。
Objective: To study the effect of JinFuKang in rat colonal crypt mitosis and apoptosis cell kinetics after exposure to DMH, a carcinogen. 目的考察金复康对给予致癌剂DMH(二甲肼)后大鼠结肠肠腺细胞增殖和凋亡动力学特性的影响。
This "could be due to nonessential, potentially harmful trace elements contained in zinc supplements, such as cadmium, a known carcinogen," the researchers said. 研究人员说,这可能归因于存在于锌补充剂中的非必需的潜在有害微量元素,例如致癌物质镉。
This carcinogen is known as NNK. 这种致癌物被称为NNK。
When sunlight mixes with the bromide and chlorine in Ivanhoe's water, the carcinogen bromate can form. 当阳光混合的溴和氯在巴黎的水,溴酸钾可致癌物质形式。
And because these materials are so prolific, because they're found in so many places, there's one other place you'll find this material, styrene, which is made from benzene, a known carcinogen. 这些材料的量太大了,它们几乎无所不在,还有一个地方你会发现这种材料,苯乙烯它是由苯制成,一种已知的致癌物。