The average cardholder today carries three to four bank cards. 如今的持卡族平均每人有三四张卡。
Note that SSL/ TLS is often required when dealing with sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information, protected health information, cardholder data or payment, banking, or brokerage data. 请注意,在处理敏感数据时,常常需要使用SSL/TLS,这些敏感数据包括个人可识别信息、受保护的健康信息、持卡人数据或者支付、银行或抵押数据。
The Authorized Client IP group is created by entering the IP addresses of personnel with the business need to access cardholder data in a separate screen. 在另一个屏幕上,输入需要访问持卡人数据的人员的IP地址,从而建立AuthorizedClientIP组。
Keep default cardholder's name 保持默认持卡人的姓名
Your credit card information such as name of cardholder, card number and expiry date; 阁下的信用卡资料,如咭主姓名、咭号及信用卡到期日;
Software created by Brighter Planet analyzes cardholder purchases such as flights, car rentals, hotel reservations, and translates them into carbon dioxide emissions. 由BrighterPlanet开发的软件能对持卡人的购买行为作出分析,如航班、租车、酒店预订,并将这些因素转化成二氧化碳排放量。
Are you an existing Dah Sing Bank Credit Cardholder? 阁下现时是否大新银行信用卡客户?
If the purchase is approved, the purchase amount is subtracted from the cardholder's available credit limit. 如果购买被批准后,该购货金额减去持卡人的可用的信用额度。
If you store, process, or transmit cardholder data, you must comply with these standards, which vary according to the number of transactions you process per month. 如果您要存储、处理或传输持卡人数据,则必须履行这些标准,具体的标准因每月处理的交易数量而异。
The IP access control module, Synergis, has been augmented with a new cardholder management task, an enhanced visitor management interface, and alarm monitoring and handling capabilities. 网络控制模块增加了一个新的持卡人管理任务、一个加强的访客管理界面和报警监控和处理功能。
The software enables remote cardholder management, report generation, and system status and alarm review. 该软件能够使用远程持卡人管理,报告生成技术,以及系统状态和报警审查。
The subject of the act of malicious overdraft includes this legal cardholder and that cardholder who gains credit card by defrauding. 从恶意透支行为的主体包括合法持卡人和骗领信用卡的人;
The account is debited for the corresponding amount and the cardholder is sent monthly statements of account. 记入借方的帐目是和他所用的钱数一致的。然后,持信用卡的人每月收到一份结帐单。
A new type credit card now being marketed used a 'scrambled'photography of the cardholder. 在目前正投入市场使用的一种新式信用卡上贴有卡主的速成照片。
Interchange fees are paid between banks servicing vendors and the banks servicing the cardholder. 跨行交易费是在为商家服务的银行和为持卡人服务的银行之间收取的。
If approved, the cardholder is given a confirmation of payment. 如获批准,持卡人给一个确认的付款方式。
If denied, the cardholder is asked to use another form of payment. 如果否认,持卡人要求使用另一种形式的付款。
The system draws on the expressionsID cardholder database for card design and badgemaking. 该系统依据持卡人身份数据库来设计卡片和标记。
The loss of Identifying Objects will cause great inconvenience to the cardholder. ④身份标识物品遗失会给合法持卡人带来极大的不便。
Cardholder must always sign credit card transaction receipts, when credit card is present. 如果持卡人随身带了信用卡,则其必须在其交易收据上签字。
The VIP cardholder will enjoy privilege in our hotel as following. 本酒店特推出贵宾卡,持贵宾卡在我店消费者,可享受特别优惠。
When the cardholder consumes at ay merchant designated by Bank of China and your firm, you can enjoy preferential treatment. 持卡人在中国银行和企业指定的特约商户消费时,可以享受特别的优惠。
The Membership Card is non-transferable and only cardholder can use it. 会员卡不得转让他人或供他人使用。
And they will have to write their cardholder agreements clearly and publish them online. 并且,他们还必须清楚地载明持卡人协议,并且将协议在网上发布。
In other words, the cardholder may have the benefits from all financial service items such as consumer's credit. 换句话说,持卡人可以从中国银行消费信贷等金融服务中得到好处。
In addition to the revolving line of credit, the cardholder may also, if necessary, apply for a temporary increase in the line of credit. 持卡人除享有银行循环信用额度外,还可以根据需要申请临时增加信用额度。
The topics covered include youth and credit cards, adding cardholders to your account, secondary cardholder policies, payment options for kids while they're traveling and helping young people understand the importance of good credit. 各项主题围包括青少年与信用卡在帐户上增加副卡持有人附属卡持有者规定子女外出旅游时的付款选择以及了解良好信用的重要性。
This allows Roland and Michael to start receiving data, which confirms that Oren is a cardholder. 使得罗兰德可以开始复制数据,也证实了欧伦是持卡人。
The bank reserves the right to levy a handling charge if special delivery of any coupon is requested by the cardholder. 持卡人如要求本银行以特别方式处理、寄送换取之现金券,本银行保留徵收有关手续费之权利。