Justly censuring them for seeking conditions ( i.e. the world) for the unconditioned, he remarks that the infinite or God must on such a method be presented as dependent and derivative. 他公允地攻击那种由有条件的事物(世界)去寻求无条件的上帝,因而认无限的上帝为有所依赖、有所根据的那种证明方法。
I would wish not to be hasty in censuring any one; but I always speak what I think. 我倒希望不要轻易责难一个人,可是我一向都是想到什么就说什么。
Nelly's functions in the story are then compared to those of the ego: mediating the relationships between different members of the family, censuring the indulged, protecting the innocent and eventually keep the peace and security of the whole family. 而耐莉在故事中的作用就相当于自我在精神中的作用:调节家庭中不同成员的关系,责难纵情者,保护无辜者,最终维护整个家庭的和平与安定。
Sun Yat-sen's Thinking on the Independence of Examination and Censuring Powers and Its Value 孙中山考试权、监察权独立的思想及价值
Globalization is a phenomenon used for, censuring economic field at first, the course of the economic globalization can be traced back to the capitalist economy rising and setting-up of modern market economy at first. 全球化最初是用来指称经济领域的现象,经济全球化的过程最初可追溯至资本主义经济兴起以及近代市场经济的建立。
Just because of this, the United States always takes an attitude of censuring towards Russia, and takes sanctions on it. 对此,美国一直对俄罗斯采取指责态度,还采取制裁的措施。