He had left the movement because it had abandoned its centrist policies. 他退出了该运动,因为它放弃了温和政策。
The Republicans have also fashioned an appeal to centrist voters, with McCain and Palin now casting themselves as political mavericks bent on changing and reforming Washington. 共和党人还设法迎合中间选民。麦凯恩和佩林现在把自己说成是在政治上有独立主张,决心改变和改革华盛顿的人选。
Labour, and Thatcher's centrist predecessors among the Conservatives, had tried to control inflation administratively, through various deals with unions and employers to hold down wages and prices; Labour had, under pressure from the IMF, cut spending. 工党和保守党中撒切尔的温和派前辈力图通过行政抑制通胀,通过与工会和雇主们达成各种交易来降低工资和物价。由于受到IMF的很大压力,工党削减了开支。
Netanyahu wants centrist rivals to join him in a unity coalition. 希望他的竞争对手能和他组成统一联盟。
Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, clearing the way for a parliamentary majority. 以色列持中间立场的前进党同极端正统派的沙斯党签署了一项联合协议,从而扫清了获得议会多数的道路。
Mr Capriles, of the centrist Justice First party, now leads the primary field. 卡普里莱斯在中间派第一正义党内处于主要领导地位。
The latest cause of Israeli uncertainty is that the Labour party, the junior partner to Mr Olmert's centrist Kadima in the ruling coalition, is choosing a new leader. 以色列最近的不确定事件是工党新领袖的选举,而工党是以奥尔默特为首中间派前进党执政联盟中的小伙伴。
Xiao Li himself is the name of the "centrist" and insist on the independence of the study. 小李自己是“中间派”和研究的独立坚持的名称。
Israel's acting prime minister, Ehud olmert, the victor in tuesday's parliamentary electio, says his centrist Kadima party has begun putting together a coalition government. 在星期二的议会选举中获胜的以色列代总理奥尔默特表示,他领导的前进党已经开始着手组建联合政府。
In his first press conference since taking office over the weekend, the centrist cleric yesterday insisted that Iran would not abandon its nuclear programme. 在上周末就任总统以来举行的首次记者招待会上,这名中间立场的毛拉昨日坚称,伊朗不会放弃核计划。
Mr Sarkozy is unpopular because of his maverick, divisive style, which has aliented centrist voters. 萨科齐之所以不受欢迎是因为他特立独行和引发分歧的行事风格,这让中间选民离他而去。
What this tells us about Mr Cameron is that he is a Conservative in the centrist tradition of Harold MacMillan rather than a radical such as Margaret Thatcher. A moderate in most things is how one colleague describes him. 这告诉我们,卡梅伦是一位继承哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)之中间派衣钵的保守党人,而不是像玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)那样的激进分子。一位同事称他在大多数事情上都持温和意见。
Mr Romney has joined the chorus of criticism against the administration, calling its new regulations an attack on "religious liberty", apparently in an attempt to appeal both to the religious right and centrist Catholic voters. 罗姆尼也对政府提出了批评,称其新规是对“宗教自由”的践踏,这似乎是为了博取宗教右翼选民和中间派天主教选民的好感。
The best result would be for Mr Monti to stay on as prime minister. He is running on a pro-reform ticket backed by a coalition of centrist parties. 最好的结果就是蒙蒂先生留任总理,他现在正在中间党联盟的支持下打改革牌。
She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives. 她把自己重塑成一个完美的中间派议员,总是附议那些著名保守派人士的议案。
Better still, imagine a new centrist block in Congress, which might give that candidate ( or for that matter a President Obama or Romney) something to work with in2013. 更妙的假设是,国会中会出现一个新兴中间派团体,他们可以让那位候选人(或者给奥巴马总统或罗姆尼)在2013年有事可做。
The fiscal stimulus, too, was a centrist initiative. 财政刺激方案也是一种中间派举措。
But this theory is complicated by the fact that the UMP is an uneasy mix of political traditions Gaullist, centrist, liberal and a harder, more populist right wing. 不过让这一理论变得复杂的是,ump令人不安地混合了各种政治传统戴高乐主义者、中间派人士、自由派和一股更为强硬、更加民粹化的右翼。
Centrist politicians said they expected Mr Monti to give his answer within a week. 中间立场的政界人士表示,他们预期蒙蒂将在一周内给出答复。
While neither is a centrist candidate, they are also not fringe candidates. 他们都不是中立派,也不是边缘候选人。
Unlike Bill Clinton, an instinctive centrist, Mr Obama is a progressive liberal. 与天生的中间派比尔克林顿(billclinton)不同,奥巴马是一个进步的自由派人士。
All of which leaves a political space for Mr Monti, who has been asked by centrist groups to run for prime minister. 这一切都为蒙蒂留出了政治空间,中间派也呼吁他参与总理竞选。
Like Mr Clinton, Mr Obama is properly classed as a centrist, with a preference for private-sector solutions and no taste for populist grandstanding. 与克林顿一样,奥巴马也被恰当地列为中间派,更青睐私人部门解决方案,对民粹分子的哗众取宠不感兴趣。
OLMERT: Battered politically by last year's war in Lebanon and a string of corruption scandals, centrist Kadima leader Olmert is fighting for political survival. 奥尔默特:经过了去年的黎巴嫩战争以及一系列腐败丑闻的打击后,中间派的前进党领袖奥尔默特正在为政治上的生存权而奋力挣扎着。
He said he would leave to form a new centrist movement. 他表示将自行建立一个新的中间派。
He said he would take a tougher stand against Hamas than the ruling centrist Kadima party has done. 他说,他将对哈马斯采取比目前的中间派前进党政府更为强硬的立场。
The mayor, however, generally administers the city in a centrist and technocratic albeit tactless way. 然而,布隆伯格基本上是以中间派和技术官僚尽管不够圆通的方式来管理这个城市的。
He has embraced a solution to America's immigration mess that is both centrist and sensible. 对于美国移民混乱的现状,他采用了一套温和且通情达理的解决方案。
Or take Fran ç ois Bayrou, a centrist leader, who kicked off his campaign by publishing a vitriolic book entitled "Abuse of Power". 或者看看中间派领袖白鲁(FrançoisBayrou)的看法,他出版了一本尖刻的名为《权力的滥用》的书,开始了竞选运动。
With weakened allies in Congress, he would have to be a centrist president or an outright failure. 当他在国会的盟友遭到削弱时,他将不得不成为一个中间派总统,否则就将一败涂地。