While this basic pattern is relatively simple, it can be used to solve a wide number of problems by chaining queues and thread pools together. 尽管这个基本模式比较简单,但可以通过将队列和线程池连接在一起,以便将这个模式用于解决各种各样的问题。
Method chaining uses return values from methods to relay instruction context, which in this case is the object instance making the first method invocation. 方法链接使用方法的返回值来中转指令上下文,在这种情况下是进行第一个方法调用的对象实例。
The context being relayed via the method chaining is this, meaning that you can make a series of method calls concisely. 通过方法链接中转的上下文是this,这意味着,您可以精确地进行一系列方法调用。
You can greatly reduce network traffic by enabling array chaining in IBM Data Server CLI Driver. 通过在IBMDataServerCLIDriver中启用数组链接,您可以大大减少网络流量。
Another change in exception handling is exception chaining& either implicit or explicit. 异常处理的另一个改变是异常链&隐式或显式。
I'll show you several types of fluent interfaces, starting with method chaining. 我会向您展示几种连贯接口,首先是方法链接。
Novell has a concept of "clustering" or chaining LDAP servers to load balance or fail-over. Novell有“集群”的概念,即把LDAP服务器链接起来以实现负载平衡或故障转移。
When enabled, execution of all the prepared statements will be chained and executed together when the chaining ends. 一经启用,对所有已准备语句的执行将被链接,并在链接结束时被一起执行。
In a construct similar to filter chaining, it takes a list of MessageHandler objects in the constructor. 在类似于过滤器链的结构中,构造函数中包含一系列的MessageHandler对象。
As you can see, daisy chaining allows you to concatenate several DOM traversal statements together. 如您所见,菊花链方式可以将几个DOM遍历语句连接起来。
If chaining is used, the first exit in the chain is called and the data it returns is passed on to the next exit in the chain. 如果使用链,则调用链中的第一个出口,返回的数据将传递到链中的下一个出口。
From a problem-solving point of view, this means that you can employ backward chaining to develop the methods of a mathematical class. 从解决问题的角度出发,这意味着您可以使用逆向链接来开发数学类的方法。
Functional programming also stretchs the brain, as it makes you think of solving problems by chaining solutions together. 函数式编程还很伤脑筋,因为它让您通过将解决方案链接在一起来考虑解决问题。
Employ backward chaining to develop the class. 使用逆向链接来开发类。
The reason for the chaining is simple: Events are often coupled within a database. 出现多个警告或异常的原因很简单:在数据库中事件常常连接在一起。
In particular, chaining events is powerful. 应特别指出的是,链接事件功能强大。
Shiro supports security-specific filter rules through its innovative URL filter chaining capability. Shiro通过其创新的URL过滤器链功能支持安全特定的过滤规则。
The load factor ( the ratio of the number of items in a hash table to its size) is typically different in separate chaining than in open addressing. 链地址法中的装填因子(数据项和哈希表容量的比值)与开放地址法的不同。
The cross database chaining option cannot be set to the specified value on the specified database. 指定数据库上的跨数据库链接选项不能设置为指定值。
Going one step further, a cascade is the chaining, branching and grouping of multiple flows. 再进一步,cascade就是多个流的链接、分支和分组。
An internal certificate chaining error has occurred. 出现了内部证书链错误。
Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. 它们只是一些可以为人听见的小小链子,把大量听不见的情感和意图串联起来。
The inference engine is an object which performs the inference operation of object_ framework knowledge using forward chaining strategy. 该推理机是一个对象推理机,采用正向推理策略完成对对象式框架知识集的推理操作。
Chaining Technology Used in Dynamic Binary Translation 跳转链接技术在动态二进制翻译中的应用
Excavate Algorithms to Study on the Basis of Authoritative Resources of Web of Structure of Chaining 基于链接结构的web权威资源挖掘算法研究
Chaining together these workflows result it is referred as a data application pipeline. 把这些工作流连接在一起,会让系统把它作为数据应用的管道来引用。
Chaining Outbound Endpoints Together 将多个出站端点链接在一起
In separate chaining, deletion poses no special problems as it does in open addressing. 链地址法中,删除并没有像开放地址那样的问题。
Besides that, we also offer support for chaining events/ commands in a way that you don't need to explicitly invoke a command from another command. 除此以外,我们还支持链式的事件/命令,这样你就无需显式地从另一个命令中调用命令了。
Can chaining yourself naked to trees or blowing up shopping malls save the earth? 把你自己赤裸裸地和树在一起或把购物中心炸毁是否就能拯救世界?