He wrote a chatty letter to his wife. 他给妻子写了封闲话家常的信。
He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial 他从没见过他如此健谈,如此友善。
You're very chatty today, alice. 艾丽斯,你今天很健谈。
It sounds as if you and your colleagues, except for chatty Cathy, have figured this out. 从你说的情况看,除了那个话唠同事以外,办公室里的其他人都对这一点心知肚明。
Often this is done in combination with a chatty interface or even a conversational interface design. 这经常是通过结合通信量较多的接口甚至对话接口设计来完成的。
The chatty communications between the client and the server went away and performance improved. 客户机和服务器之间的频繁通信受到了控制,性能得到了提高。
He was very chatty with the Apothecary, and they parted excellent friends. 他跟药剂师絮絮叨叨地聊了很多话;离别的时候,他们已成了十分要好的朋友。
Because this is a joyful event, everyone is cheerful, enthusiastic, chatty, and helpful. 因为这是一个喜庆活动,每个人都快乐、激情、健谈、乐于助人。
While this is normally insignificant, it can become an issue if the API is especially chatty. 尽管这通常是无关紧要的,但是如果API非常不正式,那么就会出现问题。
Chatty teenagers could be the world's next renewable energy source. 健谈的青少年可能是世界的下一个可再生能源库。
Herein my ID is very chatty, call me black dragon. 鉴于我的id很绕口,叫我黑龙。
Getting a chatty volunteer to call him earns you three. 找一个饶舌的志愿者去同他谈,一个顶仨。
And, of course, she did not order alcohol, as this was no time to get chatty. 另外,她当然也没有点酒精饮料,这个场合不适合说话太多。
Normally chatty Mckinsey partners clam up when asked about the race. 平时喋喋不休的麦肯锡合伙人在被问及这场赛马的时候三缄其口。
Maybe I mind him writing her chatty letters. 或许我在乎的是他那些情话。
Probably, but the foreigners tend to be a little more chatty. 也许把,但是外国人往往是有一点爱讲闲话的。
She seemed friendly and made a few chatty remarks as we started upward. 她看上去和蔼友善,还和我随便搭讪了几句。
Both Mercury and Mars enter your own sign this week and in doing so make you feel more chatty than you've been for a long while. 本周水星和火星进入你的命宫,使你显得亲切多语&你已经很久没有这样的表现了。
Well, he's not too chatty about his personal life. 唔,他不太爱讲他的私生活。
She was being positively chatty. 她确实变成了碎嘴子。
Though occasionally chatty, his moods were erratic. 他虽然有时健谈,但是他的脾气却很难捉摸。
She wrote a nice, chatty letter, full of news and gossip. 她写了一封亲切的、闲聊式的信,满纸皆是新闻和道听途说之事。
Sends a message to anyone who might feel chatty. 给任何一个爱传消息的人递个口信。
My dad gave me a good talking to when he was told that I was too chatty in class. 得知我上课经常讲话后,我被爸爸狠狠地教训了一顿。
Because when you drink, you get chatty. 顺便提一下,在晚宴上你不能喝酒。
The landlord seemed very chatty. 房东好像很爱说话。
She couldn't be her usual splashy, chatty, false self, even on the phone. 即便在电话上她都无法成为平日里,那个引人注目、说个不停的那个假我。