The sauce was too runny and not cheesy enough. 酱汁太稀,奶酪味不足。
The King's Road was getting increasingly cheesy 国王路越来越俗气了。
Politicians persist in imagining that 'the people' warm to their cheesy slogans. 政客们还在想象着“人民”对他们的空洞口号会越来越感兴趣呢。
I will like mini a lot better once it updates its cheesy instrument panel and eccentric ergonomics. 如果MINI能改进其质量低劣的仪表板和怪里怪气的人体工程学设计,我会喜欢它远胜过现在。
Did you reveal what cheesy movie you watched as you lounged on the couch in full-bellied bliss? 是不是还公布了自己吃饱喝足之后,躺在沙发上看的是什么电影?
The locals shun you and you are relegated to sightseeing and taking cheesy photos. 当地人不愿和你交流,而你只能退而求其次,到处观光,拍一些咧着嘴傻笑的照片。
That might sound cheesy, but you will. 听起来有些俗气,但是你会的。
Neither is it a journey in any cheesy metaphorical sense. 当母亲也绝不是任何俗气的比喻意义上的旅行。
A Welsh breakfast& errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile? 威尔士早餐&嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗?
Low-budget movies and their sequels which used to look cheesy are now more realistic& and profitable. 在过去,低成本恐怖影片及它们的续集看上去比较蹩脚,现在它们则更逼真更赚钱了。
It ain't easy being cheesy! 做个下流胚也不容易!
I know some parts were cheesy effects but it I didn't mind. 我知道有些内容显得蹩脚,但我并不介意。
I nearly burst out laughing when I saw him in that cheesy top hat. 看见他戴那顶俗不可耐的高帽子我都快笑出声了。
It confuses me that so many people like watching cheesy Tv shows. 我很困惑,为什么这么多人喜欢看无聊的电视剧呢?
And you guys are really daring me to eat this whole tub of cheesy popcorn. 你们确定要打赌我能否吃掉整桶芝士爆米花吗?
You have any of those cheesy snacks I fancy, eh? 我喜欢的奶酪甜点,嗯?
OK, the above quote is cheesy, mushy and pathetic, but at least you get the point. 嗯,上面的引用显得有点感伤,可怜,档次有点低,但起码你领悟到了它其中的意思。
The gift I received from Tom is cheesy. 汤姆送给我的礼物很土。
He's got awful cheesy feet. 他有双可怕的臭脚。
Some of these may seem cheesy to some, but I believe that all of these are important to living a full, meaningful life on which you can look back and smile. 对一些人来说,有些话也许看上去做作,但是,我相信它们全部都对一个充实、有意义、令你回顾时微笑的生活来说都是重要的。
He waved with a big cheesy grin. 他朝我挥了挥手,脸上带着那种假假的笑容。
Yeah, it may be cheesy, but it made an impact I've never forgotten. 是的,这可能有点落入俗套,但它使我永远不会忘记影片所造成的冲击。
As for me, I need something a bit more cheesy. 对我而言,我需要一些更加有奶酪味的。
She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras. 她在相机前不自然地咧嘴笑了。
A: Hey, where did you get those sunglasses? They are so cheesy! 喂,你从哪儿弄来那副太阳眼镜?真劣质!
These are cheesy, ridiculous. 这些真是太滑稽可笑了。
I was totally captivated by the oriental motif embroidery and how it was perfectly modernized without looking too cheesy. 我彻底地被东方神韵的刺绣折服了,现代元素的加入令其更加完美,不落俗套。
Do you think it's cheesy to get him lingerie? 你觉得为他买性感内衣会不会太土?