He was handsome, upright and chivalrous. 他长相英俊,为人正直,风度翩翩。
Toward women he was nobly restrained and chivalrous. 对于妇女,他表现得高尚拘谨,尊敬三分。
Men are so little chivalrous now. 现在的男人已经没有什么骑士风度了。
This chivalrous attitude was not endorsed by their followers in the party. 这种侠义的精神未能得到党内其他党员的支持。
Simply put, it is a kind and chivalrous thing to do and so you must do it. 这只是一个很友善的和绅士的行为,所以你必须要做。
Failure in his quests made Don Quixote so melancholy that in the end he abandoned chivalrous deeds altogether. 骑士探险的失败,让唐吉诃德(donquixote)变得非常沮丧,以致最终放弃了一切侠义行为。
Men should be a chivalrous men. 男人就应该是个有骑士风度的男人。
I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting. 我既没有骑士精神也没有运动精神。
Moreover, the chivalrous spirit and managing talent play an active role in her character forming as well. 黛玉的侠义精神及其理家才能也是她悲剧性格中的积极因素。
Women to fully display the charm of women, gentle, delicate, dependent, self-willed characteristics: male full display masculine men, integrity, strong, courageous, chivalrous, warm character. 女性充分展示女性的妩媚、温柔、细腻、依赖、任性的特征:男性充分展示男性的阳刚、正直、坚定、果敢、侠义、热烈的特征。
The chivalrous person and dares facing the human body to suffer, to surprised and special being partial to, bright, intelligent, sexy she always attractive and has many sweetheart to the man. 豪侠并勇于面对肉体的折磨、对惊奇与特殊的偏爱,鲜活、聪明、性感的她总是对男人有吸引力并有著许多情人。
He knew the truth of her manoeuvres but he was too chivalrous to mention it. 他知道她玩的是什麽花招,但是他太有风度不愿拆穿。
The hero of a romance by Cervantes; chivalrous but impractical. 塞万提斯浪漫故事主人公;有骑士精神却不实际。
The ship made little headway in the storm. Men are so little chivalrous now. 航船在暴风骤雨中几乎无法前进。现在的男人几乎没有什么骑士风度了。
This foreordination with the deep-rooted chivalrous culture and legal incompetence in modern China is perhaps difficult to get rid. 在侠义文化根深蒂固,律法制度很不健全的近现代中国,这大概是难以摆脱的宿命。
Offer her your arm. It's chivalrous and also a good way to initiate contact. 让她挽着你的手臂。这是一个骑士风度,是一个主动接触的好方法。
In public he was always chivalrous and would help her on with her coat. 在公开场合他总是很有骑士风度,会帮她穿上外套。
Fantasy movement RPG, come to fight shoulder to shoulder with what you adored swordsman and chivalrous woman quickly. 梦幻般的动作RPG,快来和你倾慕的大侠和侠女一起并肩作战吧。
He is a chivalrous old gentleman. 他是个彬彬有礼的老绅士。
He was a chivalrous person, but was more like a loyal minister. 他是一个义士,但更是一位忠臣。
This article with chivlarous person's starting with the development as subjects, elaborated Wushu and social and chivlarous person's relations, affirmation chivalrous person's starting has developed the positive function to wushu. 本文以侠士的兴起与发展作为剖析的对象,论述了武术及社会与侠士的关系,肯定了侠士的兴起对武术发展起了积极的作用。
His conversion to dhyana and return to Confucianism had endowed him with many identities like a Confucian, monk, chivalrous person, official, etc. Language: Sinhala is the official language. Sinhala and Tamil are recognized as national language. English is widely used. 他逃禅又返儒,具有儒、僧、侠、官多重身份。语言:僧伽罗语为官方语言,僧伽罗语和泰米尔语同为民族语言,通用英语。
As their name implies these nobles are trained since childhood in the art of war and all things chivalrous as befitting a knight. 如他们的名字所暗示的那样,这些贵族自小便接受军事训练,在所有事情上都表现出骑士风度。
On the Receptive Psychology of Jin Yong's Chivalrous Dramas from Recreational Function 从娱乐功能看金庸武侠剧的接受心理
As a result of its simple way of practicing and its chivalrous action, the Taizhou Scool plays a vital part in improving the social custom and order. 泰州学派的侠义行为和简易的修养方法,为改良社会风俗,整合社会次序发挥了重要功能。
The Chivalrous: The Recessive Symbol of Secret Societies in Qing Dynasty 任侠:清代秘密结社的隐性符号
It was very chivalrous of you to offer to help. 你真是侠义心肠,拔刀相助。
As a matter of fact, Wang Yi-sheng embodies Tao culture and chivalrous culture. 其实,王一生是道家文化和侠文化的结合体。
The young gentlemen teachers@ showed off@, Men are so little chivalrous now. 年轻的男教师们也出了一番风头,现在的男人几乎没有什么骑士风度了。
Gold over beauty and wisdom of both the embodiment of chivalrous hero. 金牌的阿呆美貌与智慧并存英雄侠义的化身。