Young clerks often lack both knowledge and civility. 年轻的服务员缺少知识和礼貌。
She answered him with cold civility. 她客客气气地敷衍了他一下。
Friendship cannot live with ceremony, nor without civility. 友谊不能有客套,但也少不了礼貌。
But I don't because there has to be some civility in the world. 但是我不说,因为这个世界还是需要一点文明的。
Comity is the practice, or courtesy, between states of treating each other with goodwill and civility. 国际礼让是国家之间基于善意和礼节彼此给予对方的习惯和礼貌作法。
There's really no excuse for not having a big civility footprint. 的确人们没有一个借口不去留下大的文明足迹。
I told him to have the civility next time to ask permission before walking through my garden. 我告诉他应该懂得礼貌,下次在穿过我的花园之前要先征求我同意。
Promoting social civilization with business civility; doing what one can do to help establishing the harmonious society. 以商业文明推动社会文明,为创建和谐社会添砖加瓦。
The occupation of a man is in duty, in use, in civility, in politics. 男子汉的工作是责任、义务、礼仪和政治活动。
Today, Senate majority leader Harry Reid kicked off the Senate debate on her nomination by calling for civility. 今天,参议院多数党领袖亨利。里德宣布参议院就她的提名开始辩论,并对辩论要求以文明的方式进行。
She greeted them with civility, but not much warmth. 她客气地招呼了他们,可是不大热情。
He threw out the bridge of a charming hollow civility. 他架起了一座虚情假意的迷人的桥梁。
Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. 谦逊有礼不是战术也不是感情用事。
Confusion has broken in upon the world, and thrown down all the boundaries of civility and reverence. 混乱使世界四分五裂,破坏了所有礼貌和尊敬的界限。
In this country with its terrible history, somehow a degree of political civility has emerged. 在这个有着可怕历史的国家,出现了一定程度的政治文明。
Hi! I am an energetic who like to travel around and thinks that it's time for people to start acting with more respect and civility in the world. 喂!我是个精力充沛和热爱旅游的人,而且认为是人类开始在这世界上行动和平并和睦共处,以获取更多在人与人之间的礼貌和尊敬上的良益的时候。
A state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility and respect. 和谐或相互尊敬的气氛或状态。
Can we measure a civility footprint as we would a carbon footprint? 人们测量文明足迹能像对碳足迹一样吗?
Wonderful civility this! It emboldened me to ask a question. 多么彬彬有礼啊!于是我大着胆子问了个问题。
I used to think that civility just meant "be nice," as mom used to say. 过去我常常认为文明仅意味着母亲过去常说的“对人和蔼”。
The collapse of national civility and cohesion made it difficult for the disputants to hear each other. 民族的谦恭精神和团结一致精神的瓦解使争论者们很难倾听对方的意见。
Career-minded executives are finding a connection between civility and success. 精明的主管们开始注意到礼仪形象与成功之间的关系了。
But civility has been sacrificed to the gratuitous insult. 然而礼貌却沦为无端侮辱的牺牲品。
We have big houses and broken homes, high incomes and low morale, secured rights and diminished civility. 我们得到了大房子,但却换来了家庭的破裂;我们得到了高收入,但却降低了道德水准;
Heathcliff had not the habit of bestowing a single unnecessary civility on Miss Linton, I knew. 我知道,希刺克厉夫对林惇小姐向来没有献一下不必要的殷勤的习惯。
Yet his outreach to Republicans is no sham; his civility, I think, is not a front. 然而,他向共和党示好并不是佯装;我想他的礼貌行为也不是装摸作样。
The young men treated him with great civility, and gradually engaged him in a conversation. 这位年轻人对他非常客气,渐渐与他交谈起来。
We demand a level of civility and cooperation. 我们需要一个礼貌和合作的标准。
First, there has been a decline in moral values and political civility at home. 首先,国内的道德价值观和政治文明衰退。
Hobbes, more than anyone else, wants us to value the virtues of civility. 霍布斯比任何人都更想让我们,重视文明的美德。