Based on reasons mentioned above, the artist endows the work with such the clangorous and glorious title. 这幅作品基于上述理念而拥有了这个响亮而充满光辉的名字。
Cars and skyscrapers and clangorous pachinko parlours play havoc with the Memoirs of a Geisha dreams we bring to the city. 汽车、摩天大楼,以及叮当作响的弹球房,对于我们所赋予《艺妓回忆录》的梦幻生活是一场浩劫。
It is in other seasons fiercely territorial, but now the birds are gathered in one clangorous flock to scoop up the winter feed laid down for them by farmers. 在其它季节中,它们的领土意识很强,但现在它们喧闹地聚集成群,抢着享用农夫为它们准备的冬季美食。
Pure tones transform themselves into distorted, clangorous metallic noises. 纯音转变为扭曲的、带有金属感的铃声噪音。
The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose". 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为铿锵玫瑰!
Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient. 中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。