She pulled at his sleeve and he turned on her, fists clenching again before he saw who it was. 她拉了拉他的袖子,他双拳再次握紧,气冲冲地转过身来,这才发现是她。
It is thought that the movement of clenching the right fist activates a brain region that is involved in storing memories, while squeezing the left hand triggers an area that is key to retrieving information. 研究人员认为,握紧右拳的动作激活了和储存记忆相关的大脑区域,而握紧左拳的动作激活了大脑中与回忆信息相关的关键区域。
Clenching our fist, we will get nothing; but opening our arms, we will embrace more opportunities. 攥着拳头,什么都得不到,张开双臂,才能拥抱更多的机遇。
Sitting in a dark movie theater, leaning forward with your eyes fixed on the screen and hands clenching the edge of the seat, you hear the couple behind you whisper: Is that Matt Damon? 坐在漆黑的电影院里,双眼紧紧盯着前方的屏幕,双手紧握座椅的把手,你听到你身后的一对窃窃私语:那是马特达蒙吗?
Keeps your hands and jaw relaxed; no clenching. 让你的手和下巴放松,而不是紧握着。
A sixth-grade girl hid from a home intruder in her bathroom closet, clenching a pistol. 一个六年级的小女孩躲开闯贼藏进了卫生间,手里紧紧握着一把手枪。
Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory. 攥拳头足以帮助你掌握记忆法门。
Warning signs can include: tightness in the throat or chest, shallow or rapid breathing, a clenching of the teeth or jaw, negative thoughts about oneself or feelings of being overwhelmed. 预警信号包括:喉咙或胸口发紧,呼吸变得急促,咬紧牙关,对自己产生负面想法或感觉不堪重负。
You could be constantly swinging your leg or crossing your arms and clenching your fists and the audience will feel uncomfortable. 发言者可能会不停地颤脚,或者交叉双手,紧握拳头,听众会因此感到不舒服。
Effects of Clenching One's Fist and Relaxing One's Hold on the Venipuncture of Hand Back 握拳与手放松对手背静脉穿刺成功率的影响
Objective To investigate the stress distribution in the normal temporomandibular joint ( TMJ) during clenching using a coupled meshless-finite element method. 目的应用无单元&有限元耦合法探讨正常人牙尖交错位紧咬牙时颞下颌关节内的应力分布情况。
When you feel your fists clenching or your forearms tensing, drop your arms to your sides and shake them out for a few seconds to release the tension. 当您感到双拳紧握或前臂紧张时,放下双臂于二侧甩几秒钟,放松一下。
Bruxism is a disorder characterized by grinding and clenching of the teeth, companied with fasciculation of masticatory muscles in nonfunctional status. 磨牙症是在非功能状态下咀嚼肌发生自发性收缩,使上下牙彼此磨动或紧咬的现象。
I'll never get used to them, she thought, clenching her fists. 我永远也看不惯这些家伙,她握紧双拳,心里想。
Do you have a habit of clenching your teeth? 您有紧咬牙的习惯吗?
A few of the men hold onto their composure by gripping armrests and clenching teeth, but their fear was written all over them. 只有几个男人通过抓住椅子把手咬紧牙关保持住镇静,但是他们的恐惧都写在他们脸上。
Study of the Stress Distribution in the TMJ during Clenching with the Three-dimensional Finite Element Method; Stress Distribution of Maxillary Embedded Canine Periodontium and Moving Tendency in Conditions of Drawing Forces Regimens 牙尖交错位紧咬牙时颞下颌关节应力分布的三维有限元研究上颌埋伏尖牙在牵引力作用下的位移趋势及牙周应力分析
Thus performing a dance that signifies aggressive intent is an altogether different thing from snarling or clenching fists and outburst of anger. 故而,像舞蹈可以呈现攻击的意向,但不同于吼叫、握紧拳头等愤怒样。
When she had gone I began to walk up and down the room, clenching my fists. 她走后,我在屋里踱来踱去,紧攥着拳头。
She ate and drank eagerly; and sank back on her pillow again clenching her hands and groaning. 她挺起劲地吃了喝了,又躺在她的枕头上,握紧拳头,呻吟着。
The system could also allow users to flip through pages of a PowerPoint demonstration, allowing the presenter to gesture freely by clenching teeth instead of pressing buttons. 人们还能通过这一系统翻动PowerPoint演示页,这样演示者就可以腾出双手自由地做手势了,因为他们只需要咬咬牙,不用再按键了。
Japanese researchers have developed head gear that uses infrared sensors and a microcomputer to let people operate music players by clenching their teeth. 日本研究人员近日开发出一种使用红外线传感器和微型计算机的头套,通过这种装置,人们只需咬紧牙就能启动音乐播放器。
Beethoven is said to have overcome his deafness by attaching a rod to his piano and clenching it between his teeth, enabling the musical vibrations to travel through his jawbone to his inner ear. Beethoven声称找到了克服自己耳聋欣赏音乐的方法,即通过用牙齿咬住固定在钢琴上的手柄,使音乐的震动经颌骨传至他的内耳。
Clenching her lips, she nodded. 她紧闭着嘴唇,点点头。
Instead of clenching my fist at new assignments 不是紧握拳头痛苦地对待新的挑战
Analysis of brain activity during clenching task in patients with chewing-side preference by fMRI 偏侧咀嚼患者紧咬牙运动的功能性磁共振成像研究
In the laboratory, grinding right teeth can play and halt music on an iPod while clenching left teeth makes it skip to the next track, he said. 据他介绍,在实验室所做的实验中,咬紧右边的牙齿能够启动和停止iPod,咬左边的牙则能使播放器跳至下一个节目。
Brain Activities during Maximum Voluntary Clenching with Soft Occlusal Pad in Healthy Adults by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 健康成人戴用软?垫紧咬运动时脑激活区域的功能性磁共振成像研究
After treatment the MCV of MM, TA and DA were significant increased in maximum clenching and chewing movement. 反牙合解除后紧咬及双侧咀嚼运动MM、TA及DA肌电水平明显增加。
Bruxism is a non-physiological function of the movement of teeth grinding or clenching type. 磨牙症是一种由于非生理功能运动发生的牙齿磨动或咬紧的现象。