Real picture and sound leads you in horror experience with cliff-hanging and thrill. 真正的图像和声音的经验引导你恐惧和兴奋。
At the very beginning of the story, Faulkner dexterously introduces "narrative ellipsis" to produce the cliff-hanging suspense which intensifies the theme of despicable human nature. 从文章一开始,福克纳巧妙地运用了叙述空白的手段,制造了起伏跌宕的悬念,与作者所表达的人际关系的复杂及人性的自私与卑劣这一主题相得益彰。
After all, modern western voters ( and investors), who are bred on a diet of Hollywood, know all about cliff-hanging dramas to prevent global destruction. 毕竟,在好莱坞(hollywood)影片情节中成长起来的现代西方选民(和投资者),对于阻止全球毁灭的惊险场景并不陌生。