If his experiences then had been carefully recorded, it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book. 若是把他所经历的事实记录下来,那就是一部充满着大智大勇,惊心动魄的小说。
The suspenseful vibe throughout its 90 minutes is enough to keep us on the edge of our seats. 在90分钟的影片中,悬疑氛围浓厚,足以让我们紧张到心跳加速。
I was quite surprised that Wang could make such a mysterious and suspenseful story into an art film, Han told Guangzhou Daily. 韩小汐在接受《广州日报》采访时表示:我十分惊讶王小帅能将一个神秘悬疑的故事拍成一部艺术片。
That suspenseful method helps develop the story by giving a feeling that "something's about to happen", but not in a boring way. 这种悬疑的方式在故事情节的构建上起到了帮助作用,给人一种“某事就要发生”的感觉,而且还成功避免了乏味感。
Researchers in the US tested 200 people to see how they reacted to certain adrenalin pumping sensations, such as standing on the edge of something or watching highly suspenseful movies. 美国的一项调查中测试了200人,看他们在面对某些令肾上腺素激升的情况时做何反应,比如站在某物的边缘或者看一部悬疑片。
Few workplace rituals are more suspenseful than a job interview, but is it really a dreaded, stressful ordeal? 职场上恐怕没有比面试更令人紧张不安的场合了。但面试真的是可怕的、压力山大的折磨吗?
You may also enjoy suspenseful movies or books, depth psychology, or other ways of exploring or expressing deep emotions. 你对悬疑小说和电影、深奥的哲学有兴趣,一些探究或表达强烈情感的事物或方式也对你有吸引力。
The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991) is one of the most taut, suspenseful, psychological thrillers ever produced. 以心理分析为主题的“沉默的羔羊”是影史上罕见的扣人心弦的恐怖片。
Oh! That was suspenseful for about two seconds. 刚才真是紧张的两秒钟。
Is it really that suspenseful? 这个真的需要这么说清楚吗?
Set in late nineteenth-century Cuba, the film is sure to entice audiences with its compelling cast, suspenseful plot, and exotic locale. 本片以19世纪末的古巴为背景,其超强的演员阵容,充满悬念的情节以及异国情调的场景肯定能吸引广大观众。
Some fans may find the prominent role of the real-life celebrities a distraction, but all will enjoy the suspenseful ride. 有些书迷可能从中看到现实生活中社会名流的重要作用会分散注意力,但所有人都会欣赏充满悬念的进程。
How much more suspenseful can you get? 什么东西会比这个更富悬疑性?
Lily is an atmospheric and suspenseful tale of love, loss and obsession. 这是一个关于爱情、失落与迷恋的故事,充满情调与悬疑色彩。
I think basketball is the most suspenseful and exciting sport, especially when both teams are equally good, the winner frequently is not decided until the last few seconds. 我觉得篮球赛是最紧张刺激的比赛,尤其是当两队旗鼓相当时,往往要到最后几秒钟才决定胜负。
This main idea is shown in a suspenseful story from his subjective impressions of personal experience. 这个主要观点通过一个令人紧张的故事展示出来,它来自于作者一次难忘的亲身经历。