This new fast food restaurant in Beirut's southern suburbs was the brainchild of co-owner Ali Hammoud. 这家新开张的快餐店位于贝鲁特南部郊区,这一颇具“爆炸性”的点子是该店合伙人阿里•哈穆德想出来的。
In 20 hours, 1,000 appointments were filled, said Christina Ha, a co-owner. 作为所有者之一,克里斯蒂娜·哈(ChristinaHa)说,在20个小时内,1000个预约名额就满了。
As co-owner of the Sharks, however, he's helping pay Arenas's salary. 不过作为上海大鲨鱼球队的共同所有者,姚明得支付阿里纳斯的薪水。
Letting go is often a bittersweet experience and in this case especially so, since I had been chairman and co-owner for nine years and seen the company expand 10-fold during my involvement. 放手经常是一件苦乐参半的事情,卖掉长颈鹿餐厅尤其如此,因为我曾经担任该公司董事长兼共同所有人9年时间。在我任职期间,我亲眼目睹公司的规模扩大了10倍。
She became a co-owner of the company a little over a year ago and launched the Perfect Hair Day campaign with McMillan. 就这样,大概一年多以前,安妮斯顿成了公司的老板之一,并且与麦克米兰一起启动了完美发型日的广告活动。贝劳德表示,自从安妮斯顿加盟后,公司的业务已经翻了一番。
The company usually has three or four big projects going at once, says Gaimo, director, general manager and co-owner of the business with her husband. 公司总经理及企业所有人之一Gaimo(其丈夫为另一所有人)介绍说,公司通常有3-4个项目同时在建。
The Saudi prince has reportedly been in contact with Liverpool co-owner George Gillett over a potential buy-out of his share, and he also has eyes on Tom Hicks'half of the club. 据报,沙特王子与利物浦老板之一乔治。吉列特已经开始商讨股份收购计划,而汤姆。希克斯手中持有的另一半俱乐部股份也可能在他的计划之中。
Unattractive tension in facial muscles also can be relieved by soothing instrumental music and simple flower arrangements, says Richard DeLozier, co-owner of Naturally Spa in Kansas City, Mo. 面部肌肉张力没有吸引力也可以通过舒缓的音乐和简单的插花得到缓解。密苏里州堪萨斯城天然温泉的共同拥有人RichardDeLozier说。
The co-owner is an old friend. 店主之一是洛林的老朋友。
Mendoza attended the pageant's Coronation ( 8) Ball after recovering from her collapse, according to guests including Donald Trump, co-owner of the Miss Universe Organization. 据环球小姐组织合办人唐纳德特朗普和其他客人说曼朵扎从昏厥中清醒后参加了加冕舞会。
He and co-owner George Gillett officially announced LFC is for sale yesterday, appointing Martin Broughton as chairman to oversee the sale. 昨天利物浦官方代表希克斯与吉列特正式公布了任命布劳顿为球队新主席以及打算出售球队的决定。
Steve Bercu, the shop's co-owner, says that independent booksellers can still thrive, provided they "reinvent themselves". 书店的合有者之一史蒂夫·博苏说,独立书店仍然能活得很好,只要它们“重新改造自己”。
"The roof garden definitely helps us rent the offices out," says Charlie Green, co-owner of the company. “楼顶花园显然可以帮助我们把办公室租赁出去,”公司老板查理·格林说。
He and his co-owner, David Hughes, make their chopsticks from poplar and sweet-gum trees, which have the requisite flexibility and toughness, and are abundant throughout Georgia. 他和工厂的合伙人大卫-休斯利用佐治亚盛产的杨树木和甜橡胶树制造筷子。这类木材弹性好而有韧性。
Meanwhile, Deon, an industrial design graduate, was co-owner of a budding, Melbourne-based interior design company. 而Deon是一名刚毕业的工业设计师,是墨尔本一家室内设计公司的股东之一。
As Al Sunseri, the co-owner, complains: "It seems as though BP is going to come up with any excuse, any reason to not come up with what we've lost." 正如公司的合伙人AlSunseri抱怨到:“英国石油公司好像正在努力地,找寻各种借口和理由对我们的损失视而不见。”
The thieves had cut a hole through the wall to get into the warehouse but it was not yet known how they carried away such a huge haul, warehouse co-owner Anthony Zammit said. 肉店的合伙老板安东尼·扎米特说,小偷在墙上打了个洞,然后钻进仓库。但目前还不知道他们是怎样把这么多肉运走的。
"In the past year, the retro look in diamonds has been very popular," says Eve Goldberg, co-owner of William Goldberg Diamond Corporation, which produced the custom-designed ring. 在过去,这种复古样式的钻戒设计是相当受欢迎的。
But Gillett, who has been regarded as less enthusiastic in his support for Benitez than fellow co-owner Tom Hicks, has given his backing to the Spaniard. 但是相对于他的合作伙伴希克斯,他被认为对贝尼特斯支持更缺乏衷心支持。
Where the realty or chattel, which is obtained from the partition of a commonly owned realty or chattel by a co-owner, has any flaw, the other co-owners shall assume the losses together. 共有人分割所得的不动产或者动产有瑕疵的,其他共有人应当分担损失。
The co-owner, who has ever refused to consent on the decision in managing the ship which gives rise to the obligation, may abandon his shares to the other co-owners and be exempted from the said obligation. 共有人对于发生债务之管理行为,曾经拒绝同意者,关于此项债务,得委弃其应有部分于他共有人而免其责任。
Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has told Jurgen Klinsmann he will NEVER manage Liverpool. 利物浦老板希克斯已经告诉克林斯曼他永远都不会执掌利物浦。
David Ginsberg, one of NESV's two vice-chairmen, and investor Michael Gordon have been appointed as club directors and will be at the match alongside the new co-owner Tom Werner. 金森宝,NESV两位副主席之一,以及投资人伽登将被指定为俱乐部董事,并明日陪同新合伙人温纳观看比赛。
Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has agreed a deal to sell his baseball team, the Texas Rangers. 利物浦合作老板希克斯已经同意一份出售他德州游骑兵篮球队合同。
But Gillett and co-owner Tom Hicks will leave the decision to boss Rafa benitez, who tried to bring back Owen after his year at real madrid. 但是吉利特和汤姆希克斯将会把决定权交给主教练拉法贝尼特斯,后者曾经在欧文离开皇马时想把他带回来。
More than one co-owner should exercise the preemptive right according to their shares. 多个共有人应按其财产份额行使优先购买权。
Co-owner by shares in PRC Civil Law is one example. 我国民事立法中的按份共有人优先购买权便是其中之一。