The coachman took to whistling and swearing at his horses. 于是车夫决计一心吹口哨,要不就骂他的牲口。
"Only one& beside me on the box," said the coachman. “只有一个了,在我旁边,车头上。”那车夫说。
The coachman, a black form on his box, whipped up his thin horses. 车夫,象一个黑影坐在他的座位上,鞭打着他那两匹瘦弱的马。
She danced round the church corner, for she could not stop; the coachman had to run after her and seize her. 她绕着教堂的一角跳&她没有办法停下来。车夫不得不跟在她后面跑,把她抓住,抱进车子里去。
"Pay in advance," said the coachman. “先付钱。”那车夫说。
They entered the carriage once more, and the coachman mounted his box. 他们又坐上马车,车夫坐到自己的位子上。
The coachman wrapped himself up in his cloak. 车夫裹上他的斗篷。
Nevertheless, before setting out, the coachman cast a glance at the traveller's shabby dress, at the diminutive size of his bundle, and made him pay his fare. 可是,起程之先,车夫对旅客望了一眼,看见他的衣服那样寒素,包袱又那么小,便要他付钱。
Wonder of wonders! The cat had transformed into a very smart coachman. 奇迹中的奇迹!这个猫变成了一位非常英俊的马车夫!
'They've sent the coachman for me, sir. I'll leave tomorrow.' 先生.他们派来了车夫。我明天动身。
He said to his coachman. 他对车夫说。
The head of the police meantime looked about him in alarm, and said something to his coachman; the horses trotted faster. 这时,警察局长恐慌地回头看了一眼,对车夫说了句话,马便跑得更快了。
If he could anyhow discover at what house the coachman had before set down his fare, he determined to make inquiries there, and hoped it might not be impossible to find out the stand and number of the coach. 他只要查出那个马车夫在哪家门口卸下先前的那位客人,他便决定上那儿去查问一下,也许能够查问得出那辆马车的号码和停车的地方。
As it rolled away, I realized I had left my parcel inside, and given the coachman all the coins in my purse. 马车走后我才意识到自己把包裹忘在了车上,钱包里的所有硬币又都给了车夫。
You are a bad coachman, for you are putting the cart before the horse. 你是个笨拙的车把势,把车子放到马的前面了。
The coachman asked Candlewick if he wanted to go to Gameland. 马车主人问蜡烛芯是否要去游戏王国。
She had married Robert the coachman, and was very busy with her three young children. 她嫁给了车夫罗伯特,要照顾她的三个小孩,所以很忙。
Gerald helped his wife into the carriage and gave orders to the coachman to drive carefully. 杰拉尔德扶他的太太上了马车,吩咐车夫一路小心。
There's the coachman and the two gardeners; you'll surely not wait to be thrust into the road by them! 有马夫和两个园丁在那儿,你当然不会等着被他们扔到路上去吧!
"It was he who drove, disguised as the coachman," replied peppino. “那赶车的就是他,他化装成了车夫。”庇皮诺答道。
Cried the coachman in a warning voice, looking down from his box. 赶车的从座位上往下望着,用警惕的口吻叫道。
The widow returned the bow with equal formality and ordered her coachman to drive on. 孀妇同样一本正经地回欠了一下,就命令马车夫继续赶路了。
"No, the coachman, ali, and Baptistin will go." “不用了,只要车夫,阿里和巴浦斯汀就行了。”
The scene-painter was gone, having spoilt only the floor of one room, ruined all the coachman's sponges, and made five of the under-servants idle and dissatisfied; 绘景师走了,他只糟蹋了一个房间的地板,毁掉了马车夫的所有海绵,带坏了五个干粗活的仆人,一个个变得又懒惰又不满意。
This coherent speech was interrupted by the entrance of Rochester coachman. 洛彻斯特驿车的车夫进来打断了这番有条理的演说。
And so my cousins Eliza and Georgiana had sent their coachman, Robert, to bring me back to Gateshead. 于是我的表姐妹伊丽莎和乔治娜派了车夫罗伯特接我回盖茨赫德。
"The coachman says that he has come for Monsieur le maire." “那车夫说他是来找市长先生的。”
The gardeners and coachman were there; but Linton was with them. 园丁和马夫是在那儿,可是林惇也跟他们在一起。
There stood Jimmy's horse and buggy and the coachman who was going to drive him the railroad station. 那里停着基米的马、车和车夫。车夫将赶车把他送到火车站。
McMahon's Executive Assistant Jonathan Coachman is the guilty party. 麦克马洪的行政助理乔纳森科奇曼是有罪的一方。