The Lady tag has become shorthand for viral videos that highlight the misbehavior of Mexico's coddled elites. 女士这个标签已经成为了在网上疯狂传播的、展示墨西哥骄纵精英们不当行为的视频的代名词。
But, by the end of that episode, even the most coddled had gone off on a village-wide scavenger hunt to assemble the fixings for dinner and return bursting with the pride of a job well done – and done by themselves. 但是到这一集末尾时,即使最娇惯的小孩都已出发参加寻宝任务,在整座村庄里收集晚饭需要的用具和食材,然后带着完成任务而且是由他们独立完成的自豪感而归。
We haven't coddled them. 我们没有娇宠这些人。
My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice. 我和我的朋友已经被对亿万富翁友好的国会娇宠足够长了。现在是我们的政府认真对待共享牺牲的时候了。
She coddled her son when he was sick. 她儿子生病时,她看护着他。
He'll need to be coddled after his illness. 他病后需要悉心照料。
He was feeling ill and just wanted to be looked after and coddled. 他觉得身体不舒服,正僻要悉心照料。
But even the best guide is no match for experience, and for most of my early time, I was coddled. 最好的向导也比不过经验,但在起初的大部分时间内,我都被悉心照料着。
Warren Buffett raised a few eyebrows by asserting that "a billionaire-friendly Congress" had "coddled" the wealthy for too long and should raise taxes on the rich. 沃伦巴菲特宣称“善待富豪的国会已然宠溺富豪太长时间,应向富人增税”,这一言论引起了人们的小度不满。
Like most young Chinese, his life until that moment had been coddled, chaperoned and intensely regimented. 向大部分年轻人一样,此刻以前他的生活一直是被娇惯的,呵护的,并严格监管的。
My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. 国会过于善待亿万富翁,我和我的富豪朋友们一直都被溺爱着。
As with Iran and Burma – another nasty client-state coddled by China – North Korea points up the limits of Beijing's policy of non-interference. 就像伊朗和缅甸(另一个中国娇惯的恶劣的附庸国)一样,朝鲜展现了中国不干涉政策的局限性。