Potter had argued that the government coerced him into pleading guilty 波特辩称是政府强迫他认罪的。
Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do. 不知是用什么办法,克拉克总能让珍妮对他言听计从。
God is not a cruel slave driver or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission. 神不是一名残暴的奴隶监工或恶霸,用武力迫使我们去降服。
An instantiated object of this class can coerce values into desired datatypes by creating object containers for the data. 这个类的实例化的对象能够通过创建数据的对象容器来将值强制转换成所需的数据类型。
But this power resides as much in the capacity to persuade as to coerce. 然而美国的实力不只在于能够胁迫他人,能够说服他人也同样重要。
The systematic use of violence as a means to intimidate or coerce societies or governments. 利用暴力胁迫或强制社交界或政府的体系。
To compel by violent measures or threats; coerce. 以武力迫害或威协;强迫。
And coerce them into doing whatever she needed. 迫使他们做她要做的事。
The Taliban cannot be sufficiently weakened in Pashtun Afghanistan to coerce it to the negotiating table. 盟军在阿富汗普什图地区无法有效削弱塔利班势力,迫使其坐到谈判桌前。
Of course, if you once begin to threaten or coerce a Romagnol he becomes unmanageable. 当然了,如果你开始威胁或者要挟一个罗马尼阿人,他就变得无法无天。
But the most crucial is that government alone has the power to coerce. 但最重要的一点是,只有政府拥有强制权。
Did he ever coerce youinto having sex? 他强迫你发生性关系吗?
They had announced that they would oppose any attempts of the federal government to coerce the states. 他们宣布他们将反对联邦政府压迫各州的任何企图。
They tried to coerce me into changing my appearance. 他们想强迫我改变我的外表。
It is distinct from power, which means the capacity to coerce. 它与权力不同,权力是指强迫实施的能力。
To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way. 胁迫以不同情或残忍的方式胁迫。
Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa, the victim's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds. 因为它是一个严重的进攻在尼日利亚进入无有效签证的情况下,受害人的非法入境者可被骗子为杠杆,迫使受害者到释放的资金。
To coerce students, forcing teachers to accept their Fan pseudo-moral, it is shameful extreme. 以学生作要挟,逼迫范老师接受他们的伪道德,实在是无耻透顶。
Some monsters have such strong wills that it is impossible to coerce them into fighting for you. 有一些怪物具有很强的意志,几乎不可能驱使它们为你战斗。
The Court noted that disclosure would permit employers or unions to coerce potential witnesses into changing their testimony, or not testifying at all. 法院指出,披露将使雇主或工会胁迫潜在的证人改变其证言或根本不作证。
But he denied his company could use law enforcement structures to coerce owners into handing over their holdings. 但他否认自己的公司可以利用执法机构强迫所有者交出自己的财产。
We were not going to dictate or coerce. 我们不会去命令或强迫别人。
I am concerned that your sibling may coerce you into accepting a position that feels wrong or unfair to you. 我很担心你的兄弟姐妹会逼迫你陷入一个对你是不对的、不公平的境地。
Ganesh says misprostol could be used by families to coerce women into selectively aborting female fetuses. Ganesh说米索前列醇可能被一些家庭用来强迫妇女选择性地流产女性胎儿。
And Pyongyang revealed it could use a nuclear arsenal to coerce China. 平壤方面还透露,它可能使用核武来胁迫中国。
Coerce by violence or with threats. 通过暴力或威胁来强制。
So, there's nothing you can influence within the game that would alter or coerce the generator. 因此,你在游戏中的行为并不能对怪物的掉落有著任何的影响。
I also modified the code in an attempt to coerce escape analysis into working. 我也修改过代码,希望可以强制逸出分析运行。
International law possesses the attributes of norm and coerce, which are the common natures of law. 国际法具有法的一般性质―规范性和强制性。