V-RECIP (男女未婚而)同居,姘居 If two people are cohabiting, they are living together and have a sexual relationship, but are not married.
In Italy people hardly ever cohabit... 在意大利,很少有人未婚同居。
The dentist left his wife of 15 years and openly cohabited with his receptionist... 那个牙医离开了和他生活了15年的妻子,与自己诊所的接待小姐公开同居。
Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on. 任何律师都会告诉你,如果你们同居,而和你同居的男人离开了你,在法律上你得不到任何支持。
In Italy people hardly ever cohabit 在意大利,很少有人未婚同居。
Any solicitor will tell you, if you're cohabiting and the man leaves you, you haven't got a leg to stand on. 任何律师都会告诉你,如果你们同居,而和你同居的男人离开了你,在法律上你得不到任何支持。
In most countries married people are happier with their life than those who cohabit with a partner. 在大多数国家,已婚人士比那些未婚同居的人们生活幸福感更强烈。
They cohabit together without be in married. 他们未婚同居。
It could also motivate these owners and non-smoking owners who cohabit with smokers make their homes smoke-free. 同时促进他们中吸烟的,以及不吸烟却和吸烟的人住在一起的家庭远离香烟。
Before getting married or starting to cohabit, they do an average of seven hours'housework a week. 男性在结婚或同居之前,平均每周做7个小时的家务活;
Marry or cohabit with a person of another race. 结婚或者与不同种族的人同居。
The very way we live leaves a carbon footprint, affecting every other human, our fellow creatures and the earth we cohabit. 我们的生活方式会留下碳足迹,从而影响到其他每一个人、其它各种生物、以及我们共同栖居的地球。
With him, however, she was never happy, and soon parted from him, refusing to cohabit with him or bear his name, it being now said that he bad another wife. 但是,婚后她总是不快乐,不久就跟他分手了,她拒绝跟他同居,或是用他的姓氏,因为这时有人说他另有妻室。
He teaches how to eat, drink, cohabit, void excrement and urine, and the like, elevating what is mean, and does not falsely excuse himself by calling these things trifles. 他教人如何饮,食,同居,如何解大小便等等,把卑贱的提高了,而不把它们作为琐碎之事,避而不谈。
Nowadays many young people cohabit together without legal permission. 如今很多年轻人未获得法定允许就在一起同居了。
The house mouse can cohabit with man and adapts very well to urbanization. 家鼠可以和人一起生活,而且适应都市化适应得非常好。
No amount of yogic incantation can harmonise these split persona; the solution is to break banks into functional units, so that merger experts, market makers, and proprietary traders no longer cohabit. 念再多的瑜伽咒语也无法调和这种人格分裂;解决办法是将投行依照职能分拆,这样并购专家、做市商和自营交易员就不再同属于一家银行。
Most couples today cohabit before they marry. 现在,大多数人在结婚前都已经同居。
The determining criterion of factual marriage is that the two sides cohabit steadily with a common goal of living together forever. 事实婚的认定标准是双方以终生共同生活为目的连续而稳定的同居。
On the Cohabit at ion Phenomenon of Girl College Students 女大学生同居现象刍议
Mycoplasmas are widespread in nature as conditional pathogen, which may be the unique prokaryote that can cohabit with eukaryote and interact permanently with mammalian cells. 支原体是广泛存在于自然界的条件致病微生物,可能是唯一可以与真核生物共生,并可与哺乳动物细胞长期相互作用的原核生物。
Primary Discussion about the Resident Mode for the Three Generations Cohabit under the Social Condition with the Aged 老龄化社会条件下三世同堂的集合住宅模式初探
Surgical Treatment and Operation Modification for the Varix Saphena Magna Cohabit Ulcer 大隐静脉曲张并发溃疡的治疗与术式改进
Even about 30.1% of students ( 42.8% of males and 17.1% of females) thought that premarital cohabit is a life style in modern society. 甚至有30.1%的学生认为同居是现代社会的生活方式(男生占42.8%,女生占17.1%)。
The technology of network virtualization allows multiple heterogeneous networks to cohabit on a shared substrate network, supporting flexible resource management and scheduling, in order to make full use of the resource of substrate physical network. 网络虚拟化技术可支持多个异构的网络架构共享同一个底层物理网络设施,支持灵活的资源管理和调度策略,最大化地利用物理网络资源。