Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu, professor emeritus at San Jose State University, the rabbits tour across the state for display in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild. 艾达在主人圣何塞州立大学退休教授BettyChu的照料下,作为北加利福利亚安哥拉协会的一员参加了在该州的巡回展览演出。
Now I notice it for the first time and Klein's hair is straight and carefully coiffed, but ( of course) deliberately understated. 现在我首次注意到,克莱恩的头发是直的,并且用头巾仔细地盖了起来,但(当然)显得特意地简朴。
Above a washed-away hamlet clay-tiled homes are still standing, and a garden with tenderly coiffed trees. 在一座被海啸冲刷过的小村庄里,一间瓦房仍然矗立在原地,旁边的公园里还有仔细修剪过的树木。
How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed even when they're doing housework? 那些电视里的母亲怎么总是能在做家务的时候还看上去有那么时髦的发型?