集体主义(制度);公有制 Collectivism is the political belief that a country's industries and services should be owned and controlled by the state or by all the people in a country.
The only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism. 寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。
Nurtured in the spirit of collectivism, the children care for each other and help each other. 在集体主义精神的熏陶下,孩子们互相关心,互相帮助。
We shall advocate patriotism, collectivism and socialism while combating social ills such as money-worshiping, hedonism and ultra-egoism. 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义。
It is the process from collectivism to individualism that the cultural transformation of modern times of china. 我国近代以来的文化转型是由集体本位文化向个体本位文化转型的过程。
Research on the Education of the Undergraduates 'Collectivism under New Situation 新形势下大学生集体主义教育问题研究
Humanity-oriented principle, collectivism and patriotism are the core contents of current socialist ideology and morality and are important contents of traditional moral culture too. 以人为本、集体主义和爱国主义是当前社会主义思想道德建设的核心内容,但它也是传统道德文化的重要内容。
The organization of a nation or economy on the basis of collectivism. 以集体主义为基础的民族或经济组织。
Results The undergraduates 'major cultural orientation is horizontal collectivism. 结果大学生的文化取向以水平集体主义倾向为主;
Secondly, it is the crux of a good system to keep the balance between individualism and collectivism. 制度成功关键在于保持个人主义与集体主义的平衡。
A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society. 偏爱无阶级社会集体主义的政治理论。
Some people and cultures might have both high individualism and high collectivism, for example. 有些人与文化可能都高个人主义和集体主义,例如。
Secondly, Chinese traditional festivals emphasize collectivism spirit while western traditional festivals focus on the value of individualism. 中国的传统节日强调集体主义价值取向,西方的传统节日个性主义色彩浓厚;
The values asserting collective interest fostered in China the spiritual tradition of patriotism and collectivism. 注重整体利益的价值取向培育了中华民族的爱国主义和集体主义的精神传统。
They approve of collectivism but have a tendency of individualism, money worship and hedonism; 赞同集体主义的道德原则,但也出现了个人主义、拜金主义和享乐主义倾向;
A second conflict thus arises, certainly due to the same confrontation between Asian collectivism and Western individualism. 第二个冲突发生了,同样也始于亚州文化和西方文化的不同。
Want to pass Olympic sport promote person of balanced development, train people's collectivism spirit and love one's country enthusiasm. 要通过奥林匹克运动促进人的均衡发展,培养人们的集体主义精神和爱国热情。
We shall make great efforts to promote patriotism, collectivism, socialism and the hardworking and enterprising spirit. 大力弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义和艰苦创业精神。
The vertical collectivism culture has negative correlation with mental health. 垂直的集体主义与心理健康呈显著的负相关;
The dimensions of culture include complexity, tightness, individualism, collectivism. 文化的维度,有复杂性、紧密性、个体主义和集体主义等。
Collectivism transcending on individualism does not mean to confine individual development. 集体主义反对把个人利益置于集体利益之上,但决不限制个性的发展。
Meanwhile, this ideology was deeply influenced by Darwinian social concept and national collectivism. 同时指出,他这一思想深受达尔文式的社会观和国家集体主义的影响。
The youth volunteer activity body now the Chinese cultural traditional and modern collectivism offer the perfect fusion of spirit. 青年志愿者行动体现了中国文化传统与现代集体主义奉献精神的完美融合。
According to some researches, culture might be divided into two dimensions, that is, collectivism and individualism. 文化可分为集体主义文化和个体主义文化两种模式。
Collectivism is a kind of moral standard and value criterion as a form of social consciousness. 集体主义是社会意识形式之一的道德规范和价值准则。
Actually, it keeps step with the Collectivism in the final aim. 其实它和集体主义在最终服务的目的上是一致的。
A Comparative Study on Ethics Thoughts of Communitarianism and Collectivism 社群主义和集体主义伦理思想之异同
Such practices reflect the collectivism of Chinese culture where individuals identify themselves as part of a group. 这种做法反映了华族文化中个人自视为群体一分子的集体精神。
This is an extremely interesting implication: is collectivism in traditional Chinese culture an exception too? 这是非常有意思的暗示,中国传统文化中的集体主义也是例外?
This situation led to the strength of the large family and the basis for the distinctive collectivism of China. 这种情况导致了实力的大型家庭和基础的独特集体主义的中国。