Earlier, the Cuban government had accused the Spanish Foreign Minister of colonialist attitudes. 早些时候,古巴政府曾指责西班牙外交部长的殖民主义态度。
In the second part, the paper summarizes colonialist policies implemented by French in Indochina three nations, then narrates them respectively. 第二部分,论文总结出法国在印支三国的各项殖民统治政策,分而述之。
The Struggle of Taiwan People against Japanese Colonialist 台湾人民反抗日本殖民者的斗争
After the Industrial Revolution, British colonialist reformed the Indian feudal economic structure and transplanted modern factory to India for its own sake, which promoted the emergence of Indian modem industry ahead of time objectively. 工业革命完成后,英国出于自身利益的需要,对印度社会的封建经济结构进行改造,并将近代工厂制度引入印度,这在客观上促使印度近代工业提早产生。
Critique on 20th Century Cultural Colonialist Critique 关于二十世纪西方文化殖民批评的批评
In the third part, based on the economy, politic, cultural ideology and historical tradition of France, the paper explains its colonialist policies; 第三部分,先从法国本身的经济、政治、文化意识形态及历史传统等等方面入手,解释其殖民统治政策;
Egypt is the first African country to develop higher education. Al-Azhar, which had existed long before the colonialist invasion, is the oldest university extant in the world. 埃及是非洲最早发展高等教育的国家,早在殖民入侵以前就已存在的爱资哈尔大学是世界上现存最古老的大学。
Japan is an east-Asian country with a strong sense of its political culture, emperor-related superior ethical dominance, and the war-worshiped colonialist jungle law. 日本是一个有着特殊感的东亚国家,其政治文化表现出明显的特殊性:皇国思想支配下的民族优越意识;武士文化中重等级、重实力、轻思辨的思维特点;
France colonialist carried out the assimilating and enslaving education policy in Vietnam; 法国在近代越南的殖民奴化教育;
He works for colonialist trading company and slaves the native people in many dishonorable ways. 他为帝国主义贸易公司工作,用各种不光彩的手段奴役殖民地人民。
Influenced by colonialist ideology, literature in colonial period intensified the unequal cultural relationship between colonizers and colonized. 殖民时期文学中的文化表征受到殖民思想的影响,强化了殖民者与殖民地之间的不平等关系。
And the distortion of the black psychology by the colonialist oppression. 殖民压迫对黑人心理的侵蚀和扭曲。
Conrad's Oriental Narrative Comment on the colonialist in two novels Almayer's Folly Lord Jim 康拉德的东方叙事&评析小说《阿尔迈耶的愚蠢》和《吉姆姥爷》的殖民特性
Propagating human nature and lashing out against Confucian culture's constraints on human nature and against the erosion of human nature by western colonialist culture and modern civilization are the important contents of his exploration. 张扬人性,抨击儒家文化对人性的禁锢及西方殖民文化、现代文明对人性的侵蚀,是其民族文化探索的重要内容。
In the period of two-pole confrontation, developing countries often carry out political intervention for multinational corporations after they get rid of colonialist rulers. 在两极对峙时期,发展中国家在摆脱殖民统治后,经常对跨国公司进行政治干预。
Most of the oriental lovers in his works are charming and pure but stupid and less of independent personality and dignity. Loti often shows his sense of superiority in culture as a western colonialist and his disdain to the oriental females. 洛蒂笔下的东方情人大多漂亮、单纯,但却愚昧无知、缺少独立的人格和尊严,洛蒂经常流露出其作为西方殖民者的文化优越感和对东方女性的蔑视。
In this situation, the study of the Fu Manchu image of colonialist and imperialist era is not only a historical review, but has important realistic significance. 在这种情况下,重新审视殖民-帝国主义时代的傅满洲形象,就不仅仅是历史的回顾,也具有重要的现实意义。