
英 [ˈkɒlənaɪzɪŋ] 美 [ˈkɑːlənaɪzɪŋ]

v.  在(某国家或地区)建立殖民地; 移民于(殖民地); 在(某一地区)聚居,大批生长


BNC.42285 / COCA.41878


    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 colonise

  1. VERB 在…开拓殖民地;将…建成殖民地
    If people colonize a foreign country, they go to live there and take control of it.
    1. The first British attempt to colonize Ireland was in the twelfth century...
    2. Liberia was never colonised by the European powers...
    3. For more than 400 years, we were a colonized people.
  2. VERB (动物)移生于,大批繁殖于
    When large numbers of animals colonize a place, they go to live there and make it their home.
    1. Toads are colonising the whole place.
  3. VERB (植物)大批生长于
    When an area is colonized by a type of plant, the plant grows there in large amounts.
    1. The area was then colonized by scrub.


  1. Elon Musk genuinely believes that within the next couple of decades, humans will be colonizing Mars.
  2. Whether rock art was an integral part of the cultural repertoire of colonizing modern humans, from Western Europe to southeast and beyond, or whether such practices developed independently in various regions, is unknown, he wrote.
  3. As the number of colonizing species increases, the number of immigrants arriving on the island decreases over time.
  4. IWO is inspired from the invasive and colonizing characteristics of weeds, which tries to imitate the robustness, adaptation and randomness embodied by weeds during the colonizing process.
  5. The Spanish and the Dutch made attempts at colonizing Formosa, but they gave it up in despair.
  6. The reason for not fully colonizing a planet is that you want the colonists to procreate for as long as possible.
  7. And it has important meanings on the exploration of the tragic in the novel about colonizing interplanetary and the road of science fiction with unique tragic.
  8. The substituting route for sustainable utilization of agricultural resources is multi-dimensional, including reciprocal substitute, functional substitute, colonizing substitute, input substitute and industrial substitute.
  9. In Siberia the practice mostly died out in the late19th century, when colonizing Russians brought potato and onion farming to the region and forced many nomadic groups to settle.
  10. The political traditions of the colonizing power.
  11. England was the most successful of the European nations at colonizing what would become the United states, and its success was due in large part to its use starting with the Jamestown colony of charter companies.
  12. For this reason Japan's first attempt at colonizing is particularly interesting, especially as.
  13. Aspergillus has a habit of colonizing previously formed cavities, such as those with tuberculosis.
  14. And the colonizing genius of the English has created upon it an important city and an excellent port.
  15. The climate of England has been the world's most powerful colonizing impulse.
  16. The part of the immigrant who moves out still stays in colonizing area newly after turmoil area restores advantageous circumstances, and from diffusing toward poor Da field fertile.
  17. The work of evangelizing and colonizing was at once vigorously taken in hand and carried on with more courage than success.
  18. The results showed that temperature and illumination were major factors which affected colonizing of Trichoderma on leaf surface.
  19. In the late of colonizing, AMF mostly uses the form of vesicle to colonize rootlet of Betula albo-sinensis.
  20. The ability of colonizing on leaf, flower, and fruit of strawberry of B-1 was superior to B-17, and B-18, The period of colonizing was 13 days.
  21. The colonization was successful when spore density of trichoderma was adaptive, and the colonizing could be influenced by botrytis cinerea.
  22. We have to resist thd strong colonizing tendency in literature and culture, and strengthen our literary nationality.
  23. This contrast of the title with the content reflects the Westerners 'changing visions of China, the colonizing invasion into China by the Western powers, and the orientalism of Cathay.
  24. It was also a significant adhesion molecule, and it plays an important role during Bb colonizing.
  25. The colonizing rate of endophytic fungi was the highest in leaves, and next in roots and lower stems.
  26. Joyce maneuvers freely the English language to express his deep hatred for religious hypocrisy and colonizing oppressions, as well as his well-masked patriotism for his motherland.
  27. In a colonizing population of Datura stramonium, there was significant plasticity in specific leaf area, leaf area ratio and number of leaves; traits that are associated with light capture in response to high density.
  28. This predicts that daily life and its language are likely to get rid of supervision and instruction, also the absolute colonizing of so-called "world of meaning" to the "world of life".
  29. The number of genus and total colonizing rate of endophytic fungi were higher in leaves and roots than in stems and fruits.