Do you think columbarium will affect your life?( If no, please go to Q.9) 你认为骨灰龛场会影响你的生活吗?(如果答不,请跳往题9)
Hence, is that columbarium set up by the government or private? 那骨灰龛场是政府经营的还是私营的?
Deposited at a government crematorium or columbarium either permanently or for such period as may be stipulated by the council. 永久地或在该局所规定的期限内存放于政府火葬场或灵灰安置所。
Do you agree with regulating private columbarium strictly?( If no, please go to Q.12) 你赞成严格规管私营骨灰龛场吗?(如果答不,请跳往题12)
Do you think it is illegal to run a private columbarium? 你认为经营私营骨灰龛场是犯法吗?