The complainant has been exposed to public odium, scandal and contempt. 原告遭到了公众的憎恨、非议与蔑视。
Therefore it is by no means certain that Internet users will connect "CESAR" to the complainant. 因此网路使用者是否真的会将「CESAR」与申诉人加以联想,仍有待商榷。
The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him. 原告控诉被告欺诈他。
Promptly contacting the complainant to handle the complaints after receiving the complaints, learning more information about the complaint from the complainant, and trying to get back the products for analysis. 接获投诉后,及时与投诉人取得联系处理投诉,并能从投诉人方面更多地了解投诉信息,尽可能取回产品便于分析。
Complaints are another form of suggestion, where the interest of complainant is also involved. 投诉是另一种形式的建议,当然也涉及投诉者的利益。
The indictment set the judicial process in motion. The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him. 控诉加快了裁决过程原告控诉被告欺诈他。
The complainant may well have a genuine grievance. 那个抱怨的人很可能真的受了委屈。
But I just came from a conference with the complainant. 但我刚跟原告协商过。
Court commanded that the defendant must apologize and compensate the loss of complainant. 法庭命令被告必须向原告道歉并赔偿其损失。
Civil complaint The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him. 民事投诉-原告的原告控诉被告欺诈他。
The Complainant shall pay to the Provider an initial fixed fee, in accordance with the Provider's Supplemental Rules, within the time and in the amount required. 根据服务提供方补充条例的规定,申诉方应在要求的时间内按照要求的金额向服务提供方支付固定的初始费用。
The burden of proof in each case shall be on the complainant. 在每种情况下均应由投诉者负责提供证据。
No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties. 走访不得围堵、冲击国家机关,不得拦截公务车辆。
The fees for a single-member Panel shall be paid entirely by the Complainant. 一人陪审团的费用应该全部由申诉方支付。
The UDRP and any of supplementary rules do not permit the complainant's rights extending to rights other than the commodity trademark rights or service trademark rights. 《规则》及相关补充规则中并没有允许将权利人可以依据和主张的权利延展到“商品商标或服务商标”之外的其他权利。
The school will keep complainant informed of the status of the complaint investigation. 校方将会通知学生投诉事件的状况。
According to custom, a girl from an "offending" family must be offered in marriage to a man from a complainant's family. 根据当地风俗,被告家族中的女孩必须嫁给原告家族中的男子,以示惩罚。
From the positive point of view, retaliation is a unilateral remedy that a complainant government uses for noncompliance of a defendant government; 从正面角度讲,报复是一个当原告政府胜诉而被告国政府不遵守判决时能单边使用的救济;
The third complainant, who worked in risk management and has requested anonymity, raised his concerns to the SEC and voluntarily left the bank. 要求不透露姓名的第三位投诉者曾在德银风险管理部门工作,他在向sec提出自己的担忧后自愿离开了德银。
Upon appointment of the Panel, the Provider shall refund the appropriate portion, if any, of the initial fee to the Complainant, as specified in the Provider's Supplemental Rules. 在指定陪审团之后,服务提供方应按照服务提供方补充条例的规定把初始费用的一部分,如果有的话,退还给申诉方。
Tell the complainant and the alleged harasser how the investigation will be conducted and who is responsible for the investigation; 告知投诉人和被指称的骚扰者会如何进行调查,以及谁人负责处理有关调查;
If necessary, make arrangements to avoid contact between the complainant and the alleged harasser during the investigation; 如有需要,可作出安排,避免投诉人和被指称的骚扰者在调查期间接触;
Subject to legal constraints, the complainant will receive information about the outcome of any investigations. 根据法律要求,举报人会被告知关于任何调查的结果的信息。
If it believes that there are no facts of a crime or that the facts are obviously incidental and do not require investigation of criminal responsibility, it shall not file a case and shall notify the complainant of the reason. 认为没有犯罪事实,或者犯罪事实显著轻微,不需要追究刑事责任的时候,不予立案,并且将不立案的原因通知控告人。
Both the complainant and the news organization have the right to appear. 申诉人和新闻机构都有权出庭。
The complainant must provide detailed situation and certified materials of the event and the contact method shall also be provided. 投诉人须提供事件的细节情况、证明材料,并提供联系方式。
It can be concluded that the rights that a complainant based upon in said domain name dispute are the commodity trademark rights or service trademark rights. 由此看来,上述规定中要求权利人提起域名纠纷投诉所依据的权利系“商品商标或服务商标”之权利。
You were caught unauthorized in the home of the complainant. 你被发现非法闯入原告家中。
Retaliation and backlash against a victim are very common, particularly a complainant. 针对受害人的报复行为很常见,特别是针对举报人或原告。