Not only did we focus on presenting the best quality, but we worked with consignors to help them understand that attractive estimates are what this market desires. 我们不仅关注呈现的拍卖品的品质,而且我们与委托人一起帮助他们了解有吸引力的估价是市场的需求。
The bid opening shall be held with all the legal representatives or consignors of the bidders present. 开标将在所有参加投标的法定代表人或委托代理人参加下举行。
When inhibitors or stabilizers need to be added for transportation of hazardous chemicals, consignors shall add them upon the consignment, and inform the carriers. 运输危险化学品需要添加抑制剂或者稳定剂的,托运人交付托运时应当添加抑制剂或者稳定剂,并告知承运人。
A spokesperson for guarantees at Christie's says that the recent proliferation is a reflection of consignors and the art market becoming increasingly financially sophisticated. 克里斯蒂拍卖行保底拍卖发言人说,最近的这种火爆趋势反映出寄售人和艺术品市场在金融方面愈益精细和复杂化。
Disclosing or stealing inventions of the consignors; (二)泄露或者剽窃委托人的发明创造内容的;
Lawyers are different from judges and real merchants. Their task is to protect the legal rights and interests of consignors and correct enforcement of law. 律师既不同于法官,也不同于纯粹的商人,律师的任务是维护委托人的合法权益与维护法律正确实施的统一。
The function of the System included analysis and statistics of freight income, digital map of freight domain and marketing analysis based on freight plan and freight tickets. Combined with the idea of CRM-Customer Relationship Management, the System was emphasized on the marketing analysis of consignors. 系统实现了货运收入统计分析、货运吸引区电子地图、基于货运计划、货票和重点货主的营销分析等功能,并结合客户关系管理(CRM)理念,着重体现了对重点货主的营销分析。
Moreover, the thesis points out that the collection of THC charged Chinese consignors or consignees by liners is not in accordance with the principle of the Privity of Contract if the laws of china do not provide or the contract of carriage does not stipulate. 论文指出,在我国现行法律未做明确规定或者合同未做明确约定的情况下,承运人向我国发货人或收货人收取装卸港THC不符合合同相对性原理。
Meanwhile, the consignors would also bear the risks before the goods pass through the ship's rail. 同时该术语规定卖方还要承担货物越过船舷之前的风险。
Hinterland cargos not transferred in reasonable routes has lead to the loss of benefits of consignors. 腹地货源不走合理路径给货主带来利益的损失等等。
This paper makes use of AHP and triangular fuzzy number with the experts 'decisions to build an index system, and then uses the centre of gravity method for defuzzification, so that consignors can evaluate and select the best freight forwarder. 本文利用层次分析法为货运代理商的选择建立了指标评价体系,通过专家的决策建立评价指标的三角模糊数,然后使用重心法解模糊化,从而使企业能够选择最合适的货运代理商为自己服务。
Railway should encourage freight transportation agent build center marshalling yards, enhance railway transportation efficiency and strengthen freight organization so that it can meet the consignors 'need, improve competition ability and enhance the market share to overcome the challenge. 铁路应鼓励货运代理业的发展,建立中心编组站,提高铁路运输效率,加强货源组织,以开展高速度、高质量的货物运输,最大限度地满足货主需要,提高市场份额,增强竞争力。
Then, based on the process, characteristics and function of container harbor supply chain management; this paper uses Stackelberg game to establish the competition model of harbors and consignors, and the competition model of harbor and shipping companies. 在集装箱港口企业供应链管理的流程、特征及其作用的基础上,论文运用Stackelberg博弈建立了集装箱港口企业与货主的竞争模型以及集装箱港口企业与航运经营人的竞争模型。