The president agreed to amend the constitution and allow multi-party elections 总统同意修订宪法,允许多党选举。
This puts the cart before the horse; elections should follow, not precede, agreement on a constitution. 这样做是本末倒置;选举应该在宪法确定之后举行,而不是之前。
The prime minister is, in conformity with the constitution, chosen by the president. 依照宪法,首相由总统选定。
The king was forced to adopt a new constitution which reduced his powers. 国王被迫采用了削弱其权力的新宪法。
The club's constitution prevented women from becoming full members. 这个俱乐部的章程不允许女性成为正式会员。
He must have an extremely strong constitution 他的体格必定极其强壮。
I've always had the constitution of an ox. 我一向体壮如牛。
The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government. 德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。
The constitution prohibits them from military engagement on foreign soil. 宪法禁止他们在外国采取军事行动。
Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy. 巴西的宪法禁止将核能用于军事用途。
After the war, a convention was set up to frame a constitution. 战后,为制定宪法组织了一次会议。
Her hands were tied by the way that the US constitution is structured. 她为美国宪法的表述缚住了手脚。
The constitution had invested him with certain powers. 宪法授予他某些权力。
Widespread political and economic disarray threatens to make the constitution meaningless 四处蔓延的政治和经济混乱可能会使宪法变得可有可无。
He swore an oath promising to uphold and protect the country's laws and constitution. 他宣誓捍卫国家的法律与宪法。
Religious practices are permissible under the Constitution 宪法允许进行宗教活动。
Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution 任何改革都会破坏并歪曲我们的宪法。
The Constitution grants the president plenipotentiary powers to use military force to protect our national security. 宪法赋予总统全权来使用武力保卫国家安全。
The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action 宪法规定总统在采取军事行动之前必须获得国会同意。
Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets. 巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产。
A new constitution was promulgated last month. 上个月颁布了一部新宪法。
The interests of minorities will have to be safeguarded under a new constitution 新宪法必须能保护少数群体的利益。
He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today. 他把这次投票解释为对宪法的支持,这也是他的支持者对今天的投票结果所作的解释。
In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution 为了竭力避免败局,他勉强答应要对宪法进行大规模修改。
The constitution requires members of parliament to take an oath of allegiance 宪法规定,议员必须宣誓效忠。
The talks are meant to clear the way for formal negotiations on a new constitution 会谈旨在为新宪法的正式商讨扫清道路。
The proposed constitution gives him much wider powers than his predecessor. 宪法提案赋予他比前任大得多的权力。
The Constitution also provides that the organs of state must practise democratic centralism. 宪法还规定国家机关应实行民主集中制。