N-COUNT 领事 A consul is an official who is sent by his or her government to live in a foreign city in order to look after all the people there that belong to his or her own country.
The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。
The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。
He'll hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai. 他将就任美国驻上海总领事(的职务)。
He is the Japanese consul at shanghai. 他是驻上海的日本领事。
The Sultan's consul examined my visa. 苏丹的领事查验我的签证。
I am swedish. Is there a swedish consul in Omaha? 我是瑞典人。俄马哈有没有瑞典领事?
Pinkerton and the Consul knock at the door and enter. 平克顿和领事敲门进来。
I've taken the consul hostage at gunpoint. 领事现在是我枪下的人质。
Consul software tracks employee behavior and unauthorized access of company records. 领事软件铁轨雇员的行为和擅自获取的公司记录。
He is applying to the consul for a visa. 他正向领事申请签证。
In some cases an interview with the consul. 在个别情况与领事进行面谈。
They would not permit him to be elected consul. 他们不会允许他当选为执政官。
He also met the Consul Generals from the United States, France and Japan separately. 他还分别同美国、法国及日本驻沈阳总领事馆总领事进行了交流。
When he recovered, he found no scope in the France of the Directoire and the First Consul. 复元之后他在执政内阁和第一执政统治下的法国都无用武之地。
How much does Consul General know about Zhongshan City? 贵馆总领事对中山市的了解程度有多少?
He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor, consul! 他不许他的信徒给君主上贡,大人!
Application forms can also be filled at the Honorary Consul offices in Hong Kong and Karachi, as well as the Consular Office in Shanghai. 填写申请表格也可以在香港和卡拉奇,以及在上海的领事办公室的名誉领事办事处。
A young Chinese woman enters the British Consul's Office. 一位年轻的中国妇女步入英国领事处。
She was a confidential secretary to the Russian Consul. 她是俄国领事馆的一名机要秘书。
He was previously British Consul in atlanta, georgia. 他以前是英国驻佐治亚州亚特兰大的领事。
A lawyer who said he spoke to Injaz by phone told Israel Radio that the hostages, the consul and his wife, had escaped. 一位称和因扎兹电话交谈的律师告诉以色列广播电台,人质,领事和他的妻子,已经逃了出来。
They say he will be consul. 他们说他将成为执政官。
He has violated our sabbath, consul. 他已经触犯了安息日的戒命,总督。
What remains unclear are the details, such as what the vice consul said. 不清楚的是细节,比如,日本副领事到底说了什么?
I can speak to the Russian consul myself. 我可以自己去和俄罗斯领事谈。
The consul's panic button was triggered. 领事的紧急按钮已经按下了。
I'm also aware that we have consul generals for Australia, Japan, the Philippines, Micronesia and Marshall Islands, and of course, President Greenwood of this university. 我也知道在座的还有澳大利亚、日本、菲律宾、密克罗尼西亚和马歇尔群岛的总领事,当然还有这所大学的校长格林伍德(Greenwood)。
Then the officials, including the Consul, congratulate the groom and leave. 礼成之后,日本官员和美国领事向新郎表示祝贺并先离去。
Even the Mexican consul in Guangzhou was briefly held after returning from a vacation in Cambodia, Guajardo said. 甚至墨西哥驻广州领事馆官员从柬埔寨度假回来也给关了。
I'm sure quintilius and myself can find suitable candidates for consul. 我相信昆汀勒斯和我会找到适合的执政官人选的。