What are the native qualities and characteristics upon which the moral or immoral character accepted and conventionalized by the group are based? 已经被群体公认的并因袭的那些道德的与不道德的本性,各出自哪几种先天的素质?
Accompaniment to the old operas is done with a few traditional instruments and the scores are more or less the same. Everything in classical opera has become so conventionalized that there's little room left for creative development in the music and singing. 传统京剧的伴奏是用几种传统乐器来完成的。调子相差不大。传统京剧非常格式化,很难在音乐和唱腔上有所创新。
He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. 他成了一个空虚的、装摸作样的木头人,常见的白人老爷的角色。
Idioms are conventionalized multiword expressions and contain much cultural information. 习语是语言词汇的重要组成部分,包含着丰富的文化信息。
An Actual Interpretation of the Meaning of "Being Conventionalized" and Xun Zi s Linguistic Idea of the Iconicity Capital Name and Entity; token forces 约定俗成意义确解及荀子的名实象似语言观有名无实[象征性]的部队
They were abstracted and conventionalized. 它们是抽象化的和标准化的。
They are so conventionalized that speakers may not be conscious of their being metaphorical. 他们是如此规约,发言可能不会意识到自己正在隐喻。
He refused to have his portrait conventionalized into the customary smooth beauty of the pharaoh god. 他不让他的画像具有惯例的法老神的那种传统的温和的美。
According to this view, meaning is based on conventionalized conceptual structures. 根据这种观点,意思是根据规约的概念结构。
A conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle. 表示某基本原则的符合习俗的陈述。
It was rigid in its patterns, utterly conventionalized in its dress, shallow ( with the exception Of Tschaikovsky's scores) in its music. 它格调呆板,服饰极端守旧,音乐平淡乏味(除柴可夫斯基的配乐之外)。
With the passing of time, signs easily become not only naturalized, but conventionalized as well. 随着时间的流逝,逐渐地,符号不仅变得归化,而且也约定俗成了。
Pattern of moral education of Chinese tertiary institution conventionalized tradition of society-departmentalism, lacking spirit concern to life individuals. 我国高校道德教育模式因袭着社会本位的传统,缺乏对生命个体的精神关怀。
Makeup for a conventionalized comic travesty of Black people, especially in a minstrel show. The opera features unique solo singing, refined acting, rich percussion and funny comedians. 扮演黑人的化妆滑稽模仿黑人的传统喜剧的化妆,尤其是在黑脸歌唱团表演中戏剧的特点是拥有独特的唱腔、优美的表演、丰富的配乐、滑稽可笑的喜剧演员。
Everything in classical opera has become so conventionalized that there's little room left for creative development in the music and singing. 传统京剧非常格式化,很难在音乐和唱腔上有所创新。
Idioms: Conventionalized Mapping Patterns and Mental Representations 熟语:常规化的映现模式和心理表征&熟语的认知研究之一
When new linguistic patterns and new meaning are conventionalized, in turn, they will influence habitual thinking. 新的语言模式和意义被公约化之后,反过来又会影响人们的惯常思维。
Throughout the history, people from different nationalities and regions wear their unique and conventionalized headgears, by way of which we have an insight into their aesthetic psychology. 历史上不同族群、不同地域的人们分别具有各自独特的头饰文化,他们头饰的形式和装饰风格是约定俗成的,通过头饰我们可以窥探他们的审美心理。
We thus conclude that Chinese prefaces enjoy certain cognitive basis and follow a certain conventionalized event-frame, whether consciously or unconsciously. 基于此,我们认为,汉语学术著作序言的写作拥有一定的认知基础,即有意无意中遵从事先己规约化的事件框架。
Pragma-linguistic failure is simply a linguistic question of highly conventionalized usage which can be taught as part of grammar. 前者可以被看成是一个语言问题,语言的习惯性用法可以作为语法的一部分。
For noticing signs, domesticating method is a better choice, because there are always conventionalized memes in the target language, which are more familiar to the target readers and more widely accepted. 指示性公示语常常在目标语中存在大众熟悉和广泛接受的固有模因,因此应以归化为主。