N-COUNT-COLL (志趣相投而排外的)小集团,小圈子 A coterie of a particular kind is a small group of people who are close friends or have a common interest, and who do not want other people to join them.
The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers. 他录制的这些歌是由几名酷爱音乐的作曲家谱写的。
The songs he recorded were written by a small coterie of dedicated writers. 他录制的这些歌是由几名酷爱音乐的作曲家谱写的。
Shanghai Chaos Investing Co is one of a coterie of funds exercising a growing impact on global metals markets, where the price of everything from aluminium drinks cans to lead batteries is set. 上海混沌投资公司是少数对全球金属市场发挥越来越大影响的基金之一,从铝制饮料罐到铅电池等各种金属的价格都在这个市场确定。
To jump outside the limited coterie of big-name directors and look toward international co-productions is a good thing, he added. 跳出大导演的小圈子,把目光投向国际合拍片,实际上是件好事,他说。
In addition to people like his stunt double, Mr. Schwarzenegger's traveling entourage includes a coterie of former administration staffers, including his former special assistant ( or 'body man'), his former communications director and his former deputy director of advance. 除了他的特技替身演员,施瓦辛格的随行人员还包括一群与他一起共事的班底,如前特别助理、前公关主管、前助选副主管等。
Iran and a coterie that includes Cuba, Syria, Venezuela and sometimes Libya ( North Korea, thankfully, will be absent) will block what they can& though consensus minus this crew would be no dishonour. 伊朗以及包括古巴、叙利亚、委内瑞拉,有时也包括利比亚(幸好朝鲜不在列)在内的一小撮团体将会尽他们所能来阻挠进程。&尽管没有达成一致也不是什么耻辱。
But do they need to pander to the irrational wishes and fantasies of this coterie? 但他们需要迎合非理性的愿望和幻想吗?
The name is known to only a small coterie of collectors. 这个名字只有收藏家的小圈子才知道。
For, in the imaginations of a coterie of physicists, biologists and engineers, an alternative world is taking shape. 因为,在一群物理学家,生物学家和工程师的想象中,另一个世界已经逐渐成形。
Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons. 但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。
Francoise herself has always said that her legal actions were in fact aimed at protecting her mother from a coterie of gold-digging hangers-on. 而弗朗索瓦一直以来都称其法律行动是为了保护母亲不受大量意欲攀高枝的食客的困扰。
The creations of a small coterie of malicious hackers who invent toxic software for the sheer deviltry of it. 计算机病毒系一小撮存心不良的黑客所为,这些人纯属为了搞恶作剧而编造有毒软件。
A new coterie of wealthy buyers from Asia, Russia and the Middle East is said to be one of the main drivers. 来自亚洲、俄罗斯和中东的新一批富有买家,据称是主要驱动力之一。
They work as drivers or nannies, or blend into a businessman's coterie looking like a secretary, a briefcase carrier or a toady. 他们的工作看似司机、保姆,或者以秘书,、拎公文包者、拍马屁者的形象出现在商务圈里。
It would be better not to refer to the actual ages of the voice actresses and coterie authoresses. 请最好不要提及那些明星配音员兼女作家的真实年龄。
Seventy-five years after Benjamin Graham and David Dodd wrote Security Analysis, a growing coterie of modern-day value investors remain deeply indebted to them. 本杰明•格雷厄姆和大卫•多德写成《证券分析》已经七十五个春秋了,摩登时代的价值投者家们不断加入其同仁的行列,至今仍对他们感激涕零。
Helen won't bowl with us; she has her own coterie of bowling friends. 海伦将不与我们一起滚球;她有她自己的保龄球伙伴朋友。
Over the years he has gathered around him a coterie of powerful businessman. 多年来他身边聚集了一小搓有权势的商人。
Colleagues at the IMF say Lagarde has already delivered a change of tone; whereas Strauss-Kahn used to issue orders and rely on a narrow coterie of advisers, Lagarde has taken pains to consult a wide group of people. 拉加德在imf的新同事们说,这位新总裁已经展现出了不同的风格;斯特劳斯-卡恩通常直接下命令、并依赖亲信圈的意见,而拉加德则不厌其烦地咨询许多人。
The coterie magazine had acted an very important role in Wusi times, the relationships tangled with Wusi culture enabled itself to have the unprecedented complexity and the born vulnerability. 同人杂志在五四时期扮演了至关重要的角色,它与五四文化这种纠结的关系使其本身具有空前的复杂性和与生俱来的脆弱性。
Mary and her coterie gave a party to which we were not invited. 玛利和她的圈内朋友举行派对,我们没被邀请。
On the contrary, finance and nuclear science are now controlled by a tiny coterie of technical experts, on whom everyone else depends. 相反,金融和核科学如今控制在一小群技术专家手中,其他所有人则依赖于他们。
So they didn't want one king to arise, and they didn't want a small coterie of leaders to arise. 所以他们不能让一个国王崛起,不能让一个小团体壮大。
Critics fear that two aspects in particular could hand Google too much power, while also leaving a coterie of publishers and authors with disproportionate sway over setting prices for digital works, to the detriment of readers. 批评人士尤其担心在两方面可能给了谷歌太多权利,同时也在数字著作定价方面留给了出版商和作者群不成比例的影响力,会有损读者利益。
It represents the feature of Juvenile Student and Chinese Monthly, elucidates the same objective of Kaiming's coterie to literature and education by analyzing the content and their writers. 论述了《中学生》、《国文月刊》为代表的开明杂志的特色,通过开明杂志撰稿作者群、撰稿内容的条分缕析,阐发了开明同人对文学、教育两者并重的旨趣。
However, the characteristics of the decision of the majority of our farmers 'professional cooperatives acquaintances coterie cooperatives external disadvantage in access to and integration of external resources. 然而,我国大多数农民专业合作社具有熟人小圈子的特征决定了合作社在获取和整合外部资源上具有一定的外部劣势。