
英 [pæk] 美 [pæk]

v.  收拾(行李); 装(箱); 包装; 包裹; (在四周填入软料以)包装(易损物品)
n.  (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒; (一起供应的)全套东西; 一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.2523 / COCA.2273



    装入容器 put into container

  1. 收拾(行李);装(箱)
    to put clothes, etc. into a bag in preparation for a trip away from home
    1. I haven't packed yet.
    2. I haven't packed my suitcase yet.
    3. He packed a bag with a few things and was off.
    4. He packed a few things into a bag.
    5. Did you pack the camera?
    6. I've packed you some food for the journey.
  2. 包装;包裹
    to put sth into a container so that it can be stored, transported or sold
    1. The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.
    2. I carefully packed up the gifts.
  3. 保护 protect

  4. (在四周填入软料以)包装(易损物品)
    to protect sth that breaks easily by surrounding it with soft material
    1. The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper.
  5. 保存食品 preserve food

  6. (用某物)保存,保藏
    to preserve food in a particular substance
    1. fish packed in ice
  7. 填入 fill

  8. 塞进;挤进
    to fill sth with a lot of people or things
    1. We all packed together into one car.
    2. Fans packed the hall to see the band.
  9. 雪;土壤 snow/soil

  10. 堆积;压实
    to press sth such as snow or soil to form a thick hard mass
    1. Pack the earth down around the plant.
    2. a patch of packed snow
  11. 携枪 carry gun

  12. 佩带,携带(枪支)
    to carry a gun
    1. to pack a gun
    2. Is he packing?
  13. 暴风雨 storm

  14. 夹带着
    to have sth
    1. A storm packing 75 mph winds swept across the area last night.


    容器 container

  1. (商品的)纸包,纸袋,纸盒
    a container, usually made of paper, that holds a number of the same thing or an amount of sth, ready to be sold
    1. a pack of cigarettes/gum
      一盒香烟 / 口香糖
    2. You can buy the disks in packs of ten.
  2. 套 set

  3. (一起供应的)全套东西
    a set of different things that are supplied together for a particular purpose
    1. Send for your free information pack today.
  4. 成捆携带的东西 things tied for carrying

  5. 一捆,一包(尤指适于携带的东西)
    a number of things that are wrapped or tied together, especially for carrying
    1. donkeys carrying packs of wool
    2. Everything she told us is a pack of lies (= a story that is completely false) .
  6. 大包 large bag

  7. 大背包
    a large bag that you carry on your back
    1. We passed a group of walkers, carrying huge packs.
  8. 动物 of animals

  9. 一群(动物或猎狗)
    a group of animals that hunt together or are kept for hunting
    1. packs of savage dogs
    2. wolves hunting in packs
    3. a pack of hounds
  10. 人 of people

  11. 群;帮;团伙
    a group of similar people or things, especially one that you do not like or approve of
    1. We avoided a pack of journalists waiting outside.
    2. He's the leader of the pack.
  12. (统称)竞赛中的落后者
    all the people who are behind the leaders in a race, competition, etc.
    1. measures aimed at keeping the company ahead of the pack
  13. 纸牌 of cards

  14. 一副(为52张)
    a complete set of 52 playing cards
    1. a pack of cards
  15. 男 / 女幼童军 of Cubs/Brownies

  16. 一队(男或女幼童军)
    an organized group of Cubs/Cub Scouts or Brownies
    1. to join a Brownie pack
  17. 用于伤口 for wound

  18. (治创伤用的)裹布,填塞物,敷料
    a hot or cold piece of soft material that absorbs liquid, used for treating a wound


    1. VERB 把…装进行囊;打点(行装)
      When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.
      1. When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home...
      2. I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's...
      3. I packed and said goodbye to Charlie.
    2. VERB 将…打包;把…装箱
      When people pack things, for example in a factory, they put them into containers or parcels so that they can be transported and sold.
      1. They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse...
      2. Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.
      3. ...sardines packed in oil.
    3. VERB 挤满;塞满
      If people or things pack into a place or if they pack a place, there are so many of them that the place is full.
      1. Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque...
      2. Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.
    4. N-COUNT 包;盒
      A pack of things is a collection of them that is sold or given together in a box or bag.
      1. The club will send a free information pack.
      2. ...a pack of cigarettes...
      3. She read the back of the pack and said it had the same ingredients.
    5. N-COUNT 背包;旅行包
      A pack is a bag containing your possessions that you carry on your back when you are travelling.
      1. I hid the money in my pack.
    6. N-COUNT 一群;一伙;一帮
      You can refer to a group of people who go around together as a pack, especially when it is a large group that you feel threatened by.
      1. ...a pack of journalists eager to question him...
      2. Sal was the leader of the pack.
    7. (狼或狗的)一群
      A pack of wolves or dogs is a group of them that hunt together.
      1. N-COUNT (纸牌的)一副
        A pack of playing cards is a complete set of playing cards.
        1. ...a pack of cards.
        2. ...shuffle the pack.
      2. in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 deck

      3. VERB 带(枪);佩(枪)
        If someone packs a gun, they carry it.
        1. ...eight bodyguards, at least one of them packing a pistol.
      4. VERB 在(陪审团、委员会、会议等)中安插支持者
        If someone packs a jury, committee, or meeting, they make sure that it includes people who support them.
        1. Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters...
        2. John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.
      5. See also: packed packing
      6. PHRASE 一派谎言
        If you say that an account is a pack of lies, you mean that it is completely untrue.
        1. You told me a pack of lies.
      7. PHRASE 产生巨大影响;震撼
        If something packs a punch, it has a very powerful effect.
        1. W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.
        2. ...drinks that pack a punch.
      8. PHRASE 叫…卷铺盖;撵…走;叫…滚蛋
        If you send someone packing, you make them go away.
        1. I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.
      9. PHRASE (在竞赛中)领先其他对手
        You can say that someone is ahead of the pack or leading the pack if they are ahead of everyone else in a race or competition.
        1. The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack...
        2. Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.


      1. Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags.
      2. The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.
      3. It can take a couple of hours to dump a thousand telephone numbers into a 128k EPROM pack
      4. He was given hardly 24 hours to pack his bags
      5. As he marks down the prices, he stops now and then to pack things into a large bag.
      6. Pack ice around Iceland was becoming a threat to navigation.
      7. When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home
      8. I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's
      9. I packed and said goodbye to Charlie.
      10. They offered me a job packing goods in a warehouse
      11. Machines now exist to pack olives in jars.
      12. Hundreds of thousands of people packed into the mosque
      13. Seventy thousand people will pack the stadium.
      14. The club will send a free information pack.
      15. She read the back of the pack and said it had the same ingredients.
      16. I hid the money in my pack.
      17. Sal was the leader of the pack.
      18. Opposition parties have boycotted the proceedings, saying the government has packed the conference with its own supporters
      19. John Major will not try to pack the House of Lords.
      20. You told me a pack of lies.
      21. W. Somerset Maugham's novel still packs an emotional punch.
      22. I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.
      23. Europe has got used to following rather than leading the pack.
      24. Pack it in. Stop being spiteful.
      25. They went into their respective bedrooms to pack.
      26. He got a near perfect start, streaking away from the pack.
      27. It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase.
      28. Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy
      29. It's impossible to pack so many people into the small room.
      30. This case is full I can't pack any more clothes in.


      pack in

      1. 停止做  2. 堆满;挤满;塞满  

      pack into

      1. 往…塞入;将…塞进  2. 挤满;装满  

      pack off

      1. 把…打发到  

      pack up

      1. 打点(行装)  2. (机器)出故障,停止工作;(身体器官)衰竭  


      pack away

      1. 能折叠(以缩小体积)
        to be capable of being folded up small when it is not being used

        pack sth↔away

        1. (用后)收拾好
          to put sth in a box, etc. when you have finished using it
          1. The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.
          2. I carefully packed up the gifts.

        pack sb↔in

        1. 吸引(大批观众)
          to attract a lot of people to see it/them
          1. The paintings were carefully packed in newspaper.

        pack sth↔in

        1. 停止做某事
          to stop doing sth
          1. fish packed in ice

        pack sb/sth in/into sth

        1. 在(有限时间里)做(大量工作)
          to do a lot of things in a limited period of time
          1. We all packed together into one car.
          2. Fans packed the hall to see the band.
        2. 在(有限空间里)塞进(大量的人或物);塞满
          to put a lot of things or people into a limited space

          pack into sth

          1. 使爆满
            to go somewhere in large numbers so that all available space is filled

            pack sb↔off (to…)

            1. 把…打发走
              to send sb somewhere, especially because you do not want them with you

              pack sth↔out

              1. 吸引(足够的观众);使…满座
                to attract enough people to completely fill a theatre, etc.

                pack up

                1. 停止工作;坏了
                  to stop working
                  1. a pack of cigarettes/gum
                    一盒香烟 / 口香糖
                  2. You can buy the disks in packs of ten.

                pack up

                pack sth↔up

                1. 打行李;收拾行装
                  to put your possessions into a bag, etc. before leaving a place
                  1. 停止;放弃;辞掉
                    to stop doing sth, especially a job
                    1. donkeys carrying packs of wool
                    2. Everything she told us is a pack of lies (= a story that is completely false) .



                    pack a (powerful, real, etc.) punch

                  • 能重拳出击;能重击
                    to be capable of hitting sb very hard
                    1. 产生巨大影响;十分有效力
                      to have a powerful effect on sb
                      1. The advertising campaign packs quite a punch.
                    2. pack your bags

                    3. (尤指产生分歧后)永远离开
                      to leave a person or place permanently, especially after a disagreement
                      1. send sb packing

                      2. 叫某人卷铺盖;撵某人走
                        to tell sb firmly or rudely to go away


                          the joker in the pack

                        • 能以意想不到的方式改变形势的人(或事)
                          a person or thing who could change the way that things will happen in a way that cannot be predicted



                          1. a convenient package or parcel (as of cigarettes or film)

                            1. a bundle (especially one carried on the back)

                              1. a sheet or blanket (either dry or wet) to wrap around the body for its therapeutic effect

                                1. a cream that cleanses and tones the skin

                                    Synonym:    face pack

                                  1. a complete collection of similar things

                                    1. a group of hunting animals

                                      1. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose

                                          Synonym:    cliquecoterieingroupinner circlecamp

                                        1. an association of criminals
                                          1. police tried to break up the gang
                                          2. a pack of thieves

                                          Synonym:    gangringmob

                                        2. a large indefinite number
                                          1. a battalion of ants
                                          2. a multitude of TV antennas
                                          3. a plurality of religions

                                          Synonym:    battalionlarge numbermultitudeplurality


                                        1. treat the body or any part of it by wrapping it, as with blankets or sheets, and applying compresses to it, or stuffing it to provide cover, containment, or therapy, or to absorb blood
                                          1. The nurse packed gauze in the wound
                                          2. You had better pack your swollen ankle with ice

                                        2. carry, as on one's back
                                          1. Pack your tents to the top of the mountain

                                        3. arrange in a container
                                          1. pack the books into the boxes

                                        4. load with a pack

                                            Synonym:    load down

                                          1. compress into a wad
                                            1. wad paper into the box

                                            Synonym:    bundlewadcompact

                                          2. have the property of being packable or of compacting easily
                                            1. This powder compacts easily
                                            2. Such odd-shaped items do not pack well

                                            Synonym:    compact

                                          3. seal with packing
                                            1. pack the faucet

                                          4. press down tightly
                                            1. tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso

                                            Synonym:    tamp downtamp

                                          5. hike with a backpack
                                            1. Every summer they are backpacking in the Rockies

                                            Synonym:    backpack

                                          6. press tightly together or cram
                                            1. The crowd packed the auditorium

                                            Synonym:    throngmobpilejam

                                          7. fill to capacity
                                            1. This singer always packs the concert halls
                                            2. The murder trial packed the court house

                                          8. set up a committee or legislative body with one's own supporters so as to influence the outcome
                                            1. pack a jury

                                          9. have with oneself
                                            1. She always takes an umbrella
                                            2. I always carry money
                                            3. She packs a gun when she goes into the mountains

                                            Synonym:    carrytake