The name of duggan, written in a crabbed hand. 写得潦草难认的名字达根。
The world seems a vast horrible grinding machine, into which what is fresh and bright and pure is pushed at one end, to come out old and crabbed and wrinkled at the other. 这世界似乎是一台巨大而可怕的研磨机,一头送进去的东西是新鲜,光亮,纯洁的,另一头出来的却是老迈龙钟,脾气乖戾,满脸皱纹。
He met a crabbed, cantankerous director. 他碰上了一位坏脾气、爱争吵的主管。
Instead of including that paragraph, she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A& P "policy" he enforces. 这一段描述了Lengel对女孩子的回答尖酸刻薄,这样她就把话题引向了他强调的A&P政策。
Old age had crabbed my nature. 年老使我的性格变得乖戾。
A crabbed knot must have a crabbed wedge. 难解的绳结得用坚硬的楔子来对付。
The crystalline regions of cashmere fiber melt and the yarn supercontracts after the cashmere yarn is crabbed above 130 in relaxed state. 130℃以上的松弛煮纱使山羊绒纤维结晶熔融,纱线发生过缩。