The variable$ crit is set to XYZ, which is your criterion& any feed items about XYZ are what we are looking for. 变量$crit设置为XYZ,这是您自己确定的标准&有关XYZ的任何feed项目就是我们关注的。
Of course we won't have that high of crit in raiding gear, but it is most certainly a huge help in terms of overall damage output as you get better gear. 当然单凭装备我们无法得到这个暴击率,但是可以确定当你穿上更好的装备时,会有更高的伤害输出。
This was most likely done to prevent confusion with the standard Crit boost effect. 这样做可能是为了要跟一般爆击的光辉做区别。
I think it has potential there, but at the same time I also feel like we should get crit scaling without having to spec for it. 我想,这里还是有潜力可挖的,但是同时,我同样觉得,我们应该不需要特殊的东西就可以有暴击加成。
Glyph of Trueshot Aura: Now increases Aimed Shot crit chance instead of increasing attack power bonus. 强击光环铭文:现在使瞄准射击的暴击率提高而非提高攻击强度。
Research on CRIT property in ring-in-ring structure resonator 环中环结构谐振腔中的耦合谐振透明特性研究
We have a new way to let pets scale, and assuming it works, we should be able to give the pets scale with all relevant stats from the master, from hit to haste to crit. 现在我们有了新方法,如果它能正常工作,我们将给予宠物分享所有相关属性,从命中、加速到暴击。
In return, they gain blessed resilience ( crit immunity after being crit), much more raw healing power, better regen if you take holy concentration, and most importantly, body and soul. 作为交换,他们获得了神佑之韧(被爆击后免疫爆击),多得多的治疗量,更好的续航(如果点了神圣专注),以及最重要的,魂体合一。
The order in which you should look for stats are hit ( until capped), damage, crit, haste, spirit, intelligence, everything else. 在属性中你应该注重命中(直到溢出),伤害,暴击,急速,精神,智力,和其他的各种属性。
Crit rate is not based on hits only. 暴击率并不只是基于击中。
Shadowform: Devouring Plague, Shadow Word: Pain, and Vampiric Touch cast in Shadowform deal increased damage percentage equal to the player's chance to get a spell crit on their target. 暗影形态:暗影形态下释放噬灵瘟疫,暗言术:痛和吸血鬼之触给予的伤害增加百分比等同于玩家释放目标法术获得的暴击率。
Scourge Strike should crit for200% damage like other DK spell effects. 天灾打击的爆击与其他DK技能效果一样,造成200%伤害。
You won't be critting less or doing less proportional damage when you crit. 在你爆击的时候你不会被减少爆击率或暴击伤害。
For starters, we still intend for pets to scale with all of the master's stats for things like hit, haste and crit. 对一些初始属性比如命中,暴击,急速,我们也许会让宠物100%继承。
As far as crit scaling goes, I'm not sure how I like that being a deep Demonology only approach. 如果暴击加成存在,我不知道我会有多喜欢深恶魔的天赋。
Crit, haste scale with each other although at most gear values crit is tipically slightly better than haste at increasing dps, and crit increases our mana-efficiency and our mana regen as well. 暴击和急速在属性的重要性上都差不多,不过暴击还是比急速在提高DPS的时候要稍微好一点点,同时暴击能提高你魔法效率和法力的回复。
Like survival with the similar rotation and the very high crit%? 比如用同样的输出循环的生存天赋?
When you throw Mad Milk, it does have a chance to Crit. However, this makes no difference to its effects whatsoever. 对敌人投掷抓狂牛奶不像瓶手道能获得助攻分数。
Agility may provide less Crit than it currently does. 敏捷会提供比现在更少的致命等级。
In LK, we have bumped up pet health a few times, but we are thinking now that the balance will never work right without some crit mitigation. 在巫妖王之怒中,我们数次为宠物增加了巨额的生命,但我们现在发现如果没有暴击减免这永远也不会达到平衡。
There are necklaces with high attack power, rings with armor and defense, trinkets with mana regeneration, socketed gems with crit rating. 既有高AP的项链,也有增加护甲的戒指和回蓝饰品,镶嵌的宝石还会增加爆击。
The harder part is the itemization, not sure if I'd want to get more crit or spell power. 更难的部分是那些细节选择,还不确定我是想要更多的暴击还是法术能量。
This is the average Devastate damage for our example tank before factoring crit rate and the target's mitigation from armor. 这就是不考虑致命一击和目标从护甲获得的伤害减免情况下,样本坦克的毁灭打击平均伤害。
The ability first checks against the mob's chance to Block, Dodge, Parry, and your chance to either Miss or Crit. 首先会检查目标的格档、躲闪、招架和你对他未命中和致命一击的机率。
Hopefully we can get the new Mind Flay in the next build, but allowing it to crit involves rebuilding the spell completely, which may take some time. 我们很可能将在下次改动中给出新版鞭挞,但由于让她能暴机需要重新调整这个技能,会需要些时间。
Players should not ideally be worried about hitting the haste and crit caps ever, and certainly not at the very beginning of Icecrown Citadel. 玩家不应总是担心自己的装备是否已经到了急速、暴击上限,而且确实在冰冠城塞的开始阶段也不会再有这方面的问题。
A glancing blow may not crit and has a damage reduction proportional to the weapon skill to defense difference. 偏斜的攻击无法爆击,并且视你的武器技能和对手的防御技能降低伤害。
Questions concerning inferno ( max damage with crit); you haven't got it maxed though. 关于烈火箭的问题(界值的最大攻击力)虽然你还没有点满它。
This list assumes you've already reached the crit reduction cap. 这张表假设你已经达到防爆标准。
All crit rate adjusting abilities, items, and talents add the flat% to the base% crit rate. 所有的暴击率包括基础暴击率和技能,物品,天赋的加成。