Tania, wITe now is those warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs? 那副又肥又厚的吊袜带、那两条柔软而又粗壮的大腿又在哪儿?
Mrs Palin recalls her young daughter looking out of a car window and seeing people wearing T-shirts that said, simply: "Sarah Palin is a cunt". 佩林曾回忆她的小女儿一次朝车窗外望去的时候,看到人们的T恤上清楚的写着:“萨拉-佩林是个婊子”。
Is that shrink cunt that answered the phone? 刚才是不是那个心理医生小妞接的电话?
Your cunt is like a charity. 你们的肉体就象慈善机构。
I'll break your legs, you wee cunt! 我会打断你的腿,婊子养的。
Shut up, you little cunt. you're all right. 闭嘴,笨蛋,你会没事的。
Not sorry enough for being a fat cunt. 这么肥,怎么道歉都不够。
"I think he went to see his rich cunt," I answer calmly. “我想他是去看那个有钱的女人了。”我平静地说。
No cunt else comes in here. anyhow, he's not into this. 没有其他婊子住这里,而且他不会进这个房间。
He said "I can smell your cunt." 他说,“我嗅到你的女人味。”
Rochester you are a cunt sir! 罗切斯特,你是个混蛋!
Don't get in a strop, you cunt. 不要松皮带,婊子。
Somewhere in America a man calls his wife a cunt? 在美国某个地方就有一个男人叫她老婆傻?
Tell her the truth, you little cunt! 告诉她真相,你这个臭娘们!
The utility model discloses a cunt dilater and consists of a maxilla, a chin and a connecting item. 本实用新型公开了一种阴道扩张器,由上颚、下颚以及连接部件构成。
He is cunt struck, that's all. 他是一个被女人迷得神魂颠倒的人,就是这样。
"Queen Cunt," a drunkard pronounced solemnly from a balcony above, lifting his cup to her in a mocking toast. “为太后的阴道干杯,”一个醉汉在上方的阳台庄严宣告,举起酒杯为她说出戏弄的祝酒词。
This cunt's taking his time. I've only delivered one pizza. 这婊子倒是蛮悠闲的,我只送了一份比萨。
For six months or more it's been going on, this correspondence with the rich cunt, Irene. 同这个叫伊雷娜的阔女人的通信一直持续了六个多月。
Just as long as I don't look like a crazy cunt. 就好像我不想被看成疯女人一样。
In front of a cunt, every man kneels. 所有的男人都会拜倒在女人的肉体前。
What your cunt tastes like. 想你的小妹妹是什么味道的。
When this hard cunt comes in. 这时有个硬汉走进来。
I want that cunt in jail. 我要送那个婊子进监狱。
The whoie worid aiready knows you're a cunt. 全世界都知道你是个笨蛋。
My mother's house, you cunt! 去我母亲的家,你个贱货!
You cunt, look what you ve done* You've ruined it all. 你不能,看你做了什么你全毁了。