He displayed a curmudgeonly unwillingness to accept the voters 'verdict. 他态度恶劣,显得很不情愿接受选举人的意见。
It could be a taste of the future for job interviews and the beginning of the end for curmudgeonly work colleagues. 这可能是未来工作面试的体验,同时也可能是脾气古怪的同事不复存在的时代拉开了序幕。
I have done my curmudgeonly best to avoid ever having to answer this question seriously. 我总是尽量避免严肃地回答这个问题。
For the more curmudgeonly sort of older manager, the current recession is the joyful equivalent of hiding an alarm clock in a sleeping teenager's bedroom. 那些略微年长脾气不好的管理者,欣喜的看到当前的经济衰退相当于在熟睡孩子的卧室里藏了一个闹钟。
If this sounds a little curmudgeonly, Chinese officials make some of the same points themselves, usually when they are asked to hand over a large chunk of their reserves to some worthy international project. 虽然这听上去有些令人不悦,但中国官员自己也表达过同样的看法,通常是在有人要求他们拿出大笔储备,投资于一些有价值的国际项目的时候。
In the sea of money, intellectuals crying out to save comers of Asia's past seemed like curmudgeonly "even dangerous" opponents of progress. 在金钱的海洋里,那些大声疾呼要求为亚洲的历史保留几个角落的知识分子被看作是小肚鸡肠的反对进步者。